102 5. Scaling in Financial Data and in Physics
5.2 Stationarity of Financial Markets
Geometric Brownian motion underlying the Black–Scholes theory of option
pricing works with constant parameters: the drift µ and volatility σ of the
return process, and the risk-free interest rate r are assumed independent of
time. Is this justified? And is the dynamics of a market the same irrespective
of time? That is, are the rules of the stochastic process underlying the return
process time-independent?
For a practical option- pricing problem with a rather short maturity, say
a few months, the estimation of the Black–Scholes parameters should pose no
problem. For an answer to the questions posed above, on longer time scales,
we will investigate various time series of returns. The following quantities will
be of interest:
• The time series of (logarithmic) returns of an asset priced at S(t)overa
time scale τ
S(t −τ)
S(t) −S(t −τ)
S(t −τ)
. (5.1)
• The time series of returns normalized to zero mean and unit variance
(t) −δS
, (5.2)
where the expectation values are taken over the entire time series under
We first examine the time series of DAX daily closes from 1975 to 2005 shown
in Fig. 1.2. The daily returns δS
(t) derived from the data up to 5/2000 are
shown in Fig. 5.1. At first sight, the return process looks stochastic with zero
mean. The impressive long-term growth of the DAX up to 2000 and sharp
decline thereafter, emphasized in Fig. 1.2, here show up in a small, almost in-
visible positive resp. negative mean of the return, of much smaller amplitude,
however, than the typical daily returns. We also clearly distinguish periods
with moderate (positive and negative) returns, i.e., low volatility (more fre-
quent in the first half of the time series) from periods with high (positive
and negative) returns, i.e., high volatility (more frequent in the second half
of the time series). The main question is if data like Fig. 5.1 are consistent
with a description, and to what accuracy, in terms of a simple stochastic
process with constant drift and constant volatility. Or, to the contrary, do we
have to take these parameters as time dependent, such as in the ARCH(p)
or GARCH(p,q) models of Sect. 4.4.1? Or, worse even, do the constitutive
functional relations of the stochastic process change with time?
As a first, admittedly superficial test of stationarity, we now divide the
DAX time series into seven periods of approximately equal length, and eval-
uate the average return and volatility in each period. The result of this eval-
uation is shown in Table 5.1. The central column shows the increase resp.