80 4. Black–Scholes Theory of Option Prices
with x =lnS, p= −i¯h
, and m =
The Black–Scholes equation (4.85) is then obtained by evaluating the path
integral using the appropriate boundary conditions (4.76). This method can
also be generalized to more complicated problems such as option pricing with
a stochastically varying volatility σ(t) [51]. That such a method works is
hardly surprising from the similarity between the Black–Scholes and Fokker–
Planck equations. For the latter, both path-integral solutions, and the re-
duction to quantum mechanics, are well established [37]. We will use the
path integral method in Chap. 7 to price and hedge options in market situ-
ations where some of the assumptions underlying the Black–Merton–Scholes
analysis are relaxed.
4.5.3 Risk-Neutral Valuation
As mentioned in Sect. 4.5.1, eliminating the stochastic process in the Black–
Scholes portfolio as a necessary consequence also eliminates the drift µ of the
underlying security. µ, however, is the only variable in the problem which
depends on the risk aversion of the investor. The other variables, S, T − t, σ
are independent of the investor’s choice. (Given values for these variables, an
operator will only invest his money, e.g., in the stock if the return µ satisfies
his requirements.) Consequently, the solution of the Black–Scholes differential
equation does not contain any variable depending on the investor’s attitude
towards risk such as µ, cf. (4.85).
One can therefore assume any risk preference of the agents, i.e., any µ.In
particular, the assumption of a risk-neutral (risk-free) world is both possible
and practical. In such a world, all assets earn the risk-free interest rate r.
The solution of the Black–Scholes found in a risk-neutral world is also valid
in a risky environment (our solution of the problem above takes the argument
in reverse). The reason is the following: in a risky world, the growth rate of
the stock price will be higher than the risk-free rate. On the other hand, the
discounting rate applied to all future payoffs of the derivative, to discount
them to the present day value, then changes in the same way. Both effects
offset each other.
Risk-neutral valuation is equivalent to assuming martingale stochastic
processes for the assets involved (up to the risk-free rate r). Equation (4.92)
shows that simple expectation value pricing of options, using the historical
probability densities for stock prices p
(S), does not give the correct option
price. In other words, if an option price was calculated according to (4.92),
arbitrage opportunities would arise. On the other hand, intuition would sug-
gest that some form of expectation value pricing of a derivative should be
possible: the present price of an asset should depend on the expected future
cash flow it generates.
Indeed, even in the absence of arbitrage, expectation value pricing is pos-
sible, but at a price: a price density q(S) different from the historical density