5.7 What Is the Physical Basis for the ConsiUent Mechanism of Energy Conversion?
structure water adjacent to oil-like groups. A
few charged residues can destructure much of
the pentagonally arranged water. The forma-
tion of just four carboxylates in 100 residues in
poly[4(GVGVP),(GEGVP)] raises the transi-
tion temperature for oil-like separation from
24° C for -COOH to 69° C for -COO" as shown
in the upper part of Figure 5.3.
There are two sides, however, to the coin of
competition for hydration. The carboxylate
must pay a price to wrench hydration away
from hydrophobic groups and in having to do
so it never achieves the level of hydration that
it would as a dilute carboxylate in bulk water.
The price appears in the amount of hydroxyl
ion, OH", necessary in the solution before the
proton, ff, leaves the -COOH to form a car-
boxylate, that is, OH- + -COOH = -COO" +
In the absence of the oil-like residues, the
amount of hydroxyl required to remove the
proton and form COO" is much less. When
there are only 2 carboxyls per 100 residues in
poly[9(GVGIP),(GEGIP)], it is so difficult for
the COO" to form that a pH of 6.4 is required,^^
which is a 250-fold increase in the amount of
hydroxyl ion required. WTien nearly half of the
oil-like Val residues are replaced by more oil-
like Phe residues, as in Polymer V of Table 5.5,
a million-fold increase in the amount of
hydroxyl ion was required to form the car-
boxylate ion of the aspartic acid residues."^^
5.7.5 We Now Know What Controls
Insolubility and Solubility of
Hydrophobic Domains
5.7,5,1 Loss of Solubility Due to Too
Much Hydrophobic Hydration
In general, the solubility of a model protein
such as poly(GVGVP) in water comes from the
presence of the polar peptide group, -CONH-.
The hydrogens of water, HOH, hydrogen bond
to the oxygen of the CO, that is, CO • • • HOH,
and the oxygen of water hydrogen bonds to the
NH, that
• • •
OH2.This hydrogen bonding
gives rise to solubility. As oil-like groups are
added to the model protein in water at a par-
ticular temperature, solubility is ultimately lost.
From Butler,^^ but also from the Tt-based
hydrophobicity scale in Table 5.1, we learn the
unique way in which this happens. Formation of
hydration surrounding oil-like groups is a
favorable exothermic reaction; heat is released;
the heat change for the hydration reaction, AH,
is negative.
Despite this and as contradictory as it may
initially sound, however, too much hydration of
oil-like groups results in loss of solubility. This
is due to the entropy change, AS, that accom-
panies hydrophobic hydration. Recall that sol-
ubility is governed by the Gibbs free energy,
AG(solubility) = AH -
where T is the tem-
perature in degrees Kelvin, K, where K = C +
The water molecules of hydrophobic
hydration, the pentagonally arranged water in
Figure 2.8, are more structured than the water
molecules in liquid or bulk water. The entropy
change for formation of hydrophobic hydration
has the opposite sign from the entropy changes
for the melting of ice and the vaporization of
liquid water in Figure 5.2. The latter changes
are to states of less order on raising the tem-
perature; so too is the loss of pentagonally
arranged water to form liquid water on raising
the temperature through the transition zone for
the inverse temperature transition. Therefore,
the entropy change, AS, is negative for forma-
tion of hydrophobic hydration on dissolution of
oil-like groups in water, such that the (-TAS)
term is positive. Now as each oil-like group is
added, the positive increment in the (-TAS)
term is greater than the negative increment in
AH. Accordingly, the oil-like additions can
occur with retention of solubility until at a
given temperature AG(solubility) becomes pos-
itive and solubility is lost.
Whether a particular hydrophobic region or
domain of a model protein or of a natural
protein associates with a second hydrophobic
domain in the same molecule or a separate mol-
ecule, the same process of loss of solubility
occurs. If the two hydrophobic domains can
associate and if together they have so much
hydrophobic hydration that their Tt is below
the temperature of the environment, they
associate; they are insoluble; AG(solubility) is