Consilient Mechanisms for Diverse Protein-based Machines
zone for the NaCl-cross-linked-poly(GVGVP)
system is 0 to 1 N NaCl (see Figure 5.5). When
observing the cross-Unked elastic band
attached to a w^eight, added salt causes the
rubber-like band to contract and perform the
work of lifting a weight. The cross-linked
elastic-contractile model protein transforms
chemical energy of increasing salt concentra-
tion into mechanical work of pumping iron. Relationship Between Changing the
Temperature Interval and Moving Through
Transition Zone for Contraction by Changing
the State of Functional Side Chains
When the polymer contains vinegar-like func-
tional groups, the appropriate counter-ion of
the salt ion pairs with the functional group. Ion
pairing markedly lowers the temperature inter-
val for contraction. Ion pairing places the tran-
sition zone at a much lower salt concentration,
for example, between 0.01 and 0.15 N NaCl.
In particular, when the counter-ion for a car-
boxylate, COO", is the special case of a proton,
H^, the transition zone can occur at very low
concentrations, for example, between a concen-
tration-1 (Ci) of 0.000001 and concentration-2
(C2) of
N HCl. Another way to write this
small concentration difference is to use powers
of 10, that is, Ci = 10"' N HCl and C2 = 10"^ N
HCl. Yet another way to write this difference is
to use logarithms to express the increase in con-
centration, for example, log(C2) - log(Ci) =
(-5) - (-6) =
The change in chemical energy,
required to drive a process is the product of
the change in chemical potential,
the change in number of moles. An, that
AE =
AjLiAn. For simpUcity, the present argument
focuses on chemical potential such that AE/An
= 2.3RT[log(C2) - log(Ci)] = 1420cal/mole,
where R = 1.987 cal/mole-deg and at physiolog-
ical temperature (e.g., 37° C such that T = 310
Pumping iron, performing mechanical work,
by the mechanism of charge neutralization, for
example, ion pairing, requires less chemical
energy to do the same amount of mechanical
work than if the model protein had no charged
functional group or if the charged group of the
model protein were already neutralized. This
comparison is graphically demonstrated below. Relationship Between Temperature
Interval and Transition Zone for Chemical
Energy Input Relationship Between Changing the
Temperature Interval and Moving Through
the Transition Zone for Contraction Using
Carboxylate (-COO") Functional Side Chains
and Calcium ion (Ca^^)
The temperature interval for poly(GVGVP)
begins at 25° C and ends at 37° C. The same
temperature interval is considered for two
different microbially prepared analogues of
poly(GVGVP), namely. Model protein I:
GFGIP)26 and Model Protein ii: (GVGVP
GVGVP)4o of Table 5.5. Figure 5.15 contains
the dependence on the logarithm of the calcium
ion concentration, log[Ca^^], of the value of Tj
for both model proteins in water. For Model
Protein ii aggregation of the model protein in
solution and contraction of the cross-linked
band in the absence of a load begin at 37° C, as
the calcium chloride reaches a concentration of
0.034 mole/liter (log[Ca'T = -1.47), and
hydrophobic association is complete as the
calcium chloride concentration increases to
0.446 mole/Hter (log[Ca2^] = -0.351). Thus, the
temperature interval of 25° to 37° C corre-
sponds to a transition zone for the independent
variable of calcium ion concentration of 0.034
to 0.446 mole/liter. This is a change in concen-
tration of 0.412 mole/liter, but, more to the
point, on the log scale, the difference is
chemical energy divided by the number of
moles of calcium ion consumed in the process
of driving contraction of Model Protein ii in the
limit of zero load is AE/An == 2.3RT[1.12] «
1,580 cal/mole. For Model Protein I the transi-
tion zone is narrower with a difference on the
log scale of only 0.116. The chemical energy
per mole required to drive the contraction of
Model Protein I is AE/An - 2.3RT[0.116] - 164
cal/mole. The two carboxyls of Model Protein I
would reasonably bind a single calcium ion in a
bidentate manner, and this is less Ukely for
Model Protein ii where the carboxyls are sepa-
rated by 30 residues instead of two residues.