Consilient Mechanisms for Diverse Protein-based Machines
to move through the transition zone of Figure
5.5 Ufts a weight a certain distance and results
in the performance of a given amount of
mechanical w^ork. For bands that exhibited
hysteresis, the distance a weight is lifted, on
raising the temperature from below to above
the phase transition for hydrophobic associa-
tion, would be less than for the bands that
exhibited a near ideal elasticity. The former
bands would not be very good molecular
machines for biological energy conversion. All
of the energy conversions of the consilient
mechanism involve changes in hydrophobic
association, whether or not mechanical energy
is the input or output. Because of this, all of the
energy conversions are more efficient when the
protein-based machine is a dominantly entropic
Significantly, for elastin the majority of the
heat and entropy change during chain exten-
sion results from changes in hydrophobic
hydration.^^ Reversibility of an ideal elastomer,
recovery to the same structure on relaxation,
allows that the same change in hydrophobic
hydration occur. To understand energy conver-
sion adequately by the consilient mechanism,
that is, by means of inverse temperature
transitions, solvent entropy changes attending
changes in hydrophobic association require
delineation from changes in chain entropy for
the development of elastic force.
5.2.4 Relationship Between Nature of
and Contractility
Historically, the question of mechanism of
elasticity has been one of evaluating the rela-
tive contributions of three different proposed
mechanisms: (1) the random chain network
(classic rubber elasticity) theory,^^'^^ (2) the
solvent entropy theory,^^"^^ and (3) the damping
of internal chain dynamics on extension.^"^^'^^'^^
The first is due to the Flory school; the second
was initiated by Weis-Fogh and Andersen, and
the third is due to the present author and
coworkers of the last quarter century.
The atomic force microscopy (AFM) single-
chain force-extension studies on the elastic
model proteins^'"^^ demonstrate entropic elastic-
ity for single chains without the presence of
random chain networks with Gaussian distrib-
utions of end-to-end chain lengths as would
have been required for the random chain
network theory.^^ This leaves the proper delin-
eation of solvent entropy and internal chain
dynamics. The solvent entropy theory of elas-
ticity requires consideration in the case of our
elastic model proteins, because changes in
solvent entropy attend changes in hydrophobic
association during stretching and because most
recent adherents of this view base their per-
spective on calculations of (GVGVP)n.^^'^^ In
addition, a clear understanding of energy con-
version by means of the inverse temperature
transitions exhibited by elastic model proteins
requires accurate delineation of the roles of
chain and solvent entropy. Experimental delin-
eation immediately follows. Experiment to Determine Fraction
of Ideal (Entropic) Elasticity
The classic experiment to estimate the amount
of total elastic force,/, derived from the inter-
nal energy component of force,
and the
entropic component of force,/s, where/=/£; +
examines the temperature dependence of
force at constant length. On plotting
with T in Kelvin, as a function of temperature
while maintaining the elastomer element at
fixed length, the slope of the plot multiplied by
(-T K) provides the f^lf ratio. Such data are
given in Figure 5.7A, where the/E//ratio above
40° C is found to be 0.9.^^ Whether in ethylene
glycoliwater (30:70), curve A, or pure water,
curve B, the elastic band of cross-linked
poly(GVGVP) exhibits an elastic force that
is 90% entropic. When the solvent entropy
change through the temperature interval of the
inverse temperature transition is reduced to
near zero, as occurs in ethylene glycol:water
the entropic elastic force actually
increases. This is contrary to the solvent
entropy theory of elasticity. As analyzed below,
however, the increase in entropic elastic force
on going from 25° to 40° C eliminates solvent
entropy change as a direct source of the esti-
mated entropic component elastic force.