independent cycles, one may write
2n vector equations to determine the velocities
v ,
v and the angular velocities
1,2,..., 1in
. The formulae
(5.3.26), (5.3.27) lead to an analogous method of computation for the distribution of
accelerations. But the analytical methods are difficult to use in the case of more intricate
Among the graphical or grapho-analytical methods we mention – first of all – the
method of connecting-rod curves to determine the displacements of the points of
elements of this nature.
To determine the velocities, one can use – sometimes – the method of the
instantaneous centre of rotation; for instance, in the case of the just considered crank
and connecting-rod mechanism (Fig.5.33), the centre
I can be easily obtained, so that
ωω= ,
ICωω= ,
for an arbitrary point
C of the driving rod. The velocities’ turning down method,
emphasized in Subsec. 2.3.4, allows to determine graphically the magnitude and the
direction of velocities; taking into account Fig.5.19, we may obtain the drawing of
Fig.5.33. The point
D , the foot of the normal from I to the connecting-rod AB , is the
point of minimal magnitude of the velocity, which has the direction of the connecting-
rod, and is its characteristic point. We mention that it is not necessary to obtain
previously the point
I ; that is an advantage of the latter method. But if this point is
specified and a particular scale for the velocities is chosen, so that the magnitude of the
velocity of a point be equal to the corresponding instantaneous radius (in our case
vIA= ), then the velocities of all the points will have the moduli equal to the
corresponding instantaneous radii; this is the method of the normal velocities. Euler’s
formula (5.2.3') leads to the method of the relative motion (the method of the vector
equations). As well, the formulae (5.2.4), (5.2.4') stay at the basis of the method of
velocities’ projections; thus, if we know the velocities of the points
A and B , which
correspond to two elements of a mechanism, then we may obtain the projections of the
velocity of a point
C , rigidly linked to each of the points A and B and non-collinear
with these points, on the straight lines
AC and BC , hence obtaining the velocity of
the point
C . The drawing of the velocities’ plane and the similarity theorem (for
velocities) lead to the method of velocities’ polygon for a plane-parallel motion. Using
the theorem of the three instantaneous centres of rotation (see Subsec. 3.3.1), one may
often determine the distribution of the velocities in the case of a plane mechanism (the
method of collinearity of the instantaneous centres of rotation).
To determine the accelerations of an element, we may use the graphical
representation of the accelerations of its points. As in the case of velocities, we mention
the method of relative motion (the method of vector equations), based on the formulae
(5.2.6)-(5.2.6''), the projections’ method, based on the formula (5.2.10), and the method
of accelerations’ polygon, based on the introduction of the accelerations’ plane and on
the similarity theorem (for accelerations), introduced in Subsec. 2.3.4.
We notice that a mechanism realizes a transformation of an input quantity
(displacement, velocity, acceleration) into an output quantity of the same nature; thus,