Mass geometry. Displacements. Constraints
we may – analogously – introduce the possible velocities
v , to the set of which belongs
the real velocity
too. We notice that, in the case of a free mechanical system, any
displacement is a possible displacement and any velocity is a possible velocity.
r and
r be two possible displacements of the point P , which convey this
point to the neighbouring positions
and P
, respectively (Fig.3.19,b). We
introduce the differential displacement
r , which must be imposed to the point P , so
that this one do change its position from
to the neighbouring one P
; this
displacement, equal to the difference of the two possible displacements
=Δ −Δrrr
is called virtual displacement. Hence, by the summation of a possible displacement of a
point and a virtual one of the very same point, we obtain a new possible displacement
of the considered point. The relation (3.2.2) establishes a geometric link (and not a
kinematic one) between two possible displacements of a point
P and a virtual
displacement of the very same point; it gives thus the possibility of passage from a
possible displacement to another one. Thus, the virtual displacements (which are
differential quantities too) do not take place in time, but are compatible with the
constraints of the mechanical system at the time
t ; neither these displacements (as well
as the possible displacements) are not determined by the given forces. The virtual
displacements are thus displacements in the hypothesis in which the time
t is fixed
(the constraints of the system are “frozen”, hence they do not depend on time); this
point of view allows us to write – easily – constraint relations with the aid of virtual
displacements (differentiating the geometric constraints with the assumption that
constt = ). We notice that, although the virtual displacements do not take place in
time, they depend – in a certain manner – on this variable, because they are different
from a moment to another one; indeed, the virtual displacements represent the
displacements of the points of a mechanical system from a possible position at the
t to a neighbouring possible position at the very same moment. In a stationary
case, the set of virtual displacements coincides with the set of possible displacements;
thus, fixing the time
t , we may pass from relations written by means of possible
Δr to relations expressed with the aid of virtual displacements δr .
Obviously, we admit that the virtual displacements
r are applied at the point P of
position vector
r , being – in fact – variations of this vector. V. Vâlcovici has
introduced the virtual displacements in the form
δ=Δ−Δ=Δ−Δrrv r
v is the real velocity; the set of these displacements coincides with the set of the
displacements defined by the relation (3.2.2). From (3.2.1), (3.2.2), it follows that
δ= Δrv
we can thus introduce the virtual velocities
v as a difference of possible velocities.