test ЅПМ (1-5)
textbook ϔϑϙϖϘϑ (ʹa;) (1-5)
Thai cuisine ИОϊϑϙϊ (ИОΊ) (2-1s)
Thai language ИОν (ИОΏ) (1-1s)
Thai national ИОϏϚ (ИОΐ) (1-1s)
Thailand ИО (1-1s)
thank you note μϜϏϑϙ (ˢNJ) (2-8)
that γμ (1-1)
that kind of υϚς (1-2)
that kind of γϚς (1-2)
that over there υμ (1-1)
that person γόο (1-1)
that person over there υόο (1-1)
that way γϙ (1-6)
that way υυ (1-6)
that way, there γόο(1-4)
that way, over there υόο (1-4)
theater ΦϔϏϑϙ (ɵ̈́) (3-1)
theater/play τϚΦϔ (ɼɵ) (1-2s)
then γϘύο (2-3f)
then ϕϛϋ (2-3f)
there, that place γϓ (1-5)
there, that way γόο (1-4)
therefore δϖο (1-3f)
these days ϓενέ (ϓε«) (1-6)
thesis έϚβϚ (ġ) (2-7)
thick υϒϜ (ýϜ) (3-3)
thick, strong ϓϜ (ǁϜ) (3-3)
thigh Ωϋιι (ȍĹ) (1-7s)
thin (become) λφϛ (φϛ) (2-3)
thin, weak ϙϕϜ (ǘϜ) (3-3)
thin ΣγϜ (QϜ) (2-6)
thing ϓϋ (1-2r, 1-7)
thing ιε (ͽ) (1-2)
think ώιϙ (˱ϙ) (1-6)
think ϖϚϐτϛ (̥τϛ) (2-5)
third-year student ωϚΪϚφϜ (ȶͿ) (1-1)
thirsty ϖξϗ (εα (ɇ) ϐ) (1-7)
this ϓμ (1-1)
300 Glossary(E–J)
this kind of ϓϚς (1-2)
this month ϓϚΦϒ (ͮ͟) (1-3)
this morning σω (ͮ̉) (1-3)
this person ϓόο (1-1)
this semester ϓϚϐρϔ (ͮΑͰ) (1-3)
this side ηψτ (Ό͛) (1-5s)
this way ϓϙ (1-6)
this week ϓϚϘπϙ (͈ͮ) (1-3)
this year ϓϋϘ (ͮͿ) (1-3)
thought ϖϚϐτ (̥τ) (2-2)
thought ϖϚϐτνϋ (̥τͱ) (3-5)
throat εα (ɇ) (1-7)
throw away, discard ϕηϛ (¨ηϛ) (3-3)
thumb ώλΥΫ (ͫ͞) (1-7s)
Thursday ιϗΰϙΫ (ʗ͍Ύ) (1-2)
ticket ϔρΕ (ͦ;) (1-4)
tidy up ϖύΖσϛ (ʃúσϛ) (2-2)
tie a necktie
ϬВИОάϘθϛ (2-1)
time ϏϖϚ (ͧͷ) (1-5)
tired, exhausted ϒϖμϛ (Ǚμϛ) (3-1)
toast МСПМ (1-4)
today ϔϑϙ (ͮΎ) (1-1)
toe υϘεΥΫ (ͅε͞) (1-7s)
together ϜρϘϑχ (ͪūχ) (1-2)
tomorrow υϘύ (ˮΎ) (1-1)
tonight ϓϚΧϚ (ͮ̔) (1-3)
tooth, teeth κ (ʏ) (2-1)
toothbrush κϾЙЗ (ʏϾЙЗ) (1-4s)
toothpick ΰϙϏ (m) (1-4s)
top, above ϙτ () (1-5)
towel ИЌК (1-4s, 2-6)
town, city ψό (Ǘ) (1-5)
town hall ϘλϗϘϑ (ʥǥ̸) (1-5s)
tradition ΤϚϋϙ (̯Ƹ) (3-5)
traffic jam ϏπϙύϜ (¿ɻ) (3-7)
train ΤϚϘΨ (
ͺ̱) (1-4)
train station τϔ (ȼ) (1-4)
transfer (school) ηϚϐϗ (͆Α) (ϕϛ) (3-1)
transfer (work) ηϚϔϚ (͆Ɋ) (ϕϛ) (3-1)