Chapter 9
Shape and Form
9.1 Introduction
About 2300 years ago, Euclid of Alexandria wrote his famous book on geometry
called The Elements. This book, and its famous five postulates, became the basis of
what is now known as Euclidean geometry. The usual notion of distance in space,
essential when we design geometric forms in two or three dimensions, carries his
name (the “Euclidean metric”).
The development of science throughout the centuries brought new theories and
improvements in all scientific fields. Nevertheless, the Euclidean metric remains
unchanged, and still plays an essential part in a bevy of topics. The theory of the
simulation of chaotic shapes included in this book is based on an analytic approach
that for the most part uses the fundamental notions of traditional Euclidean geom-
etry. The essential components of this theory, namely the notions of translation,
rotation and reflection, are defined and explored in this chapter, along with applica-
tions related to the development of chaotic forms and shapes.
As one can readily verify, a large number of chaotic objects that appear in the
literature may be classified as geometric objects produced by following simple geo-
metric rules. Even non-chaotic objects are similarly simulated by following the same
geometric rules.
Translation, rotation and reflection are not only tools essential in forming geomet-
ric objects, but can also be used as a basis of understanding how a process, chaotic
or not, can generate shapes and forms. The linear movements of physical objects
are easily modelled geometrically by using translation. Rotation and translation are
present in stellar systems, galaxies, tornados and vortex movements. Reflection is
generally associated with light refraction, galactic object formation, as well as vor-
tex formation.
This chapter includes a brief introduction to the elementary rules of analytical ge-
ometry that are used throughout this book, along with several applications on the
shape and form of chaotic and non-chaotic objects. This theoretical treatment is
combined with applications to special relativity and Penrose’s tiling theory, via sim-
ulations based on relatively simple affine transformations. Interested readers may
find related topics in books on hyperbolic geometry.