136 Chaotic Modelling and Simulation
of x. In that case, we have
∂ f
∂ f
= 0
which gives us:
f (x, y) = ˙x
∂ f
+ ˙y
∂ f
= −˙x
∂ f
+ ˙y
∂ f
∂ f
+ ˙y
Equating the last term to zero, and using equation (7.1), we end up with equa-
tion (7.3). The value of the integration parameter is directly related to the level
of the curve.
Since F, G in general depend on t, this integral may not be independent of t. How-
ever, in the case where F, G are independent of the time t, integration of (7.3) will
result in a first integral of motion for the system. We will examine a number of
particular such systems in this chapter.
Before we proceed, let us elaborate a bit more on the equations. As we saw
in (7.2), the first integral of motion, f (x, y), and consequently the implicit equations
for the trajectories of the system, are determined by the equation:
∂ f
+ G
∂ f
= 0 (7.5)
Note that this equation will remain true if F, G are both multiplied by the same
function of x, y. To see this geometrically, notice that the trajectories are determined
completely by the direction of their tangent vector at any point, and this direction is
that of the vector ( ˙x, ˙y) = (F, G). Therefore, multiplying both F, G with the same
factor has no effect on this direction.
This means that there is a family of conservative systems sharing the same first in-
tegral of motion. From all these systems, there is one that stands out. Note that (7.5)
can be rewritten as:
∂ f
= −
∂ f
Rescaling F, G amounts to selecting a value for this ratio, so a natural choice would
be to set it to 1, in which case F, G, and hence the solutions of the system, are
completely determined from f by:
F =
∂ f
and G = −
∂ f
In this case, we will call f the Hamiltonian of the system, and we will call the
system a Hamiltonian system. All the systems we will consider in this section are
Equations (7.6) provide a necessary condition for the Hamiltonian to exist, since
they imply that:
= −