Three-Dimensional and Higher-Dimensional Models 119
whose orbits are the hyperbolas xy = c. Near (1, 1), if we use coordinates (ξ, η) =
(x − 1, y − 1) centred at 1, 1, the system can be replaced by the simpler system
ξ = −η
˙η = ξ
whose orbits are counterclockwise circles ξ
+ η
= (x − 1)
+ (y − 1)
= c.
6.3 The Arneodo Model
The simplest three-dimensional chaotic models are based on a system of three
linear differential equations, on which we add a non-linear term. An example of
such a system is the Arneodo model:
˙x = y
˙y = z
˙z = −
z + sy − mx + x
where s and m are parameters.
This model was proposed by Arneodo et al. (1979, 1980, 1981a), in their work on
systems that exhibit multiple periodicity and chaos. The Jacobian determinant of the
model is
J = −m + 2x.
There are two stationary (equilibrium) points, the origin (0, 0, 0), and (m, 0, 0).
In Figure 6.1, the (x, y) diagram of the system is shown (s = 3.8 and m = 7.5, the
initial values are (x
= 0.5 and y
= z
= 1). An integration method was used with
integration step d = 0.001.
A slight variation, replacing the last equation in (6.3) with
˙z = −
z + sy − mx + x
leads to a model with a more stable behaviour. Figure 6.2 shows the projections of
the three-dimensional solution path of this system to the three planes (x, y), (x, z) and
(y, z) respectively. The parameters are as above, except that m = 5. The bottom part
of this figure shows the chaotic oscillations in the (y, t) space.
The resulting paths of this modified system have a somewhat more complicated
form than those of (6.3). There are three stationary points:
( 0, 0, 0)
m, 0, 0)
m, 0, 0)
The Jacobian of the modified system is J = −m + 3x