The H´enon Model 111
FIGURE 5.15: The Holmes model (a = 2.4, b = 0.3)
5.7.2 The sine delay model
The model proposed by Holmes is an approximation
of a sinusoidal one, called
the sine delay model, of the form:
= bx
+ a sin(x
) (5.18)
This model, for relatively small values of a, shows similar behaviour to that of the
Holmes model. However, when a takes large values, the map changes into a series
of sigmoid forms. The number of maxima or minima of the resulting curves can be
estimated according to the number of solutions of the equation
(1 − b)x − a sin(x) = 0.
In the example presented in Figure 5.16, the delay parameter is fixed at b = 0.3 in
both cases, and the parameter a is set to a = 3.0772 for the case A and a = 2 ×3.0772
for the case B. It is clear, by observing the resulting maps, that by doubling the value
of a, the number of maxima or minima is also doubled.
When b is small, there is a close relation between the maxima and minima of this
map, and the maxima and minima of the function
y = f (x) = (1 − b)x − a sin(x).
The relation can be seen in Figure 5.17(a). Note further that the range of x values for
the map ends exactly at the last solution to f (x ) (the solutions to f (x) = 0 are exactly
the fixed points of the sine delay map). Figure 5.17(b) shows the case where b = 0.3
and a = 6.5(1 −b)π.
When b takes values closer to 1, say b = 0.88, the situation changes radically, as
the attractor is now separated in two very similar parts (Figure 5.18(a)). There is now
The approximation can be seen by replacing sin(x) with its third degree Taylor approximation, x −