Gel Dosimetry 407
are considerably more sensitive to radiation than the
Fricke gels.
Three BANG gels were prepared by Maryanski et al.
Gels I and II were contained in tissue culture flat flasks
made of polystyrene, and gel III was prepared in a rectan-
gular Lucite box. Each gel was irradiated by 4 4-cm
fields using 6-MV x-rays produced by a Varian 2100C
linear accelerator at a dose rate of 4 Gy min
. The fol-
lowing doses were delivered at d
: 5, 10, 15, 20 Gy to
gel I; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Gy to gel II; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Gy to gel
III. Gels I and II were irradiated at an ambient room tem-
perature. Gel III was irradiated at 0°C, immediately after
being removed from an ice-and-water bath. All gels were
stored in a refrigerator at 4°C immediately after irradiation.
Figure 9.7 shows values of transverse relaxation rates
) for gels I, II, and III as a function of dose. The pooled
data (Figure 9.7a) show that the dose response was highly
reproducible over a wide range of doses. For doses below
8 Gy, the dose response is well-fitted by a straight line;
Figure 9.7b shows the individual straight-line fits for each
gel. For example, a relaxation rate of 2.0 s
to doses of 2.83, 2.92, and 2.90 Gy in the three different
gels, a variation of less than 2% from the mean value.
The signal in a spin-echo MR image produced by a
dose D is given by
where S is the signal at echo time TE.
Radiation dose distributions in three dimensions from
tomographic optical density scanning of polymer gels were
described by Gore et al. [8] The dosimetric data stored
within the gels were measured using optical tomographic
densitometry. The dose-response mechanism relied on the
production of light-scattering micro-particles, which result
from the polymerization of acrylic comonomers dispersed
in the gel. The attenuation of a collimated light beam
caused by scattering in the irradiated optically turbid
medium was directly related to the radiation dose over the
range 0–10 Gy. An optical scanner has been developed
which incorporates a He-Ne laser, photodiode detectors,
and a rotating gel platform.
The intensity of a monochromatic light beam passing
through the medium is attenuated exponentially under nar-
row-beam conditions. If
(x, y) denotes the optical atten-
uation coefficient per unit length in a section of the object,
then the intensity exiting the sample at position x is I(x)
when the incident intensity is I
A schematic diagram that illustrates the operation of the
prototype device is shown in Figure 9.8.
After acquisition, the projection data are transferred
to an image reconstruction program.
Progress in the development of polymer gel dosimetry
using MRI was reported by Maryanski et al. [9] The dose
distribution image produced in the tissue-equivalent gel by
radiation-induced polymerization and encoded in the spatial
distribution of the NMR transverse relaxation rates (R
) of
the water protons in the gel is permanent. Maps of R
constructed from magnetic resonance imaging data and serve
as a template for dose maps, which can be used to verify
complex dose distributions from external sources or brachy-
therapy applicators. The integrating, three-dimensional, tis-
sue-equivalent characteristics of polymer gels make it possi-
ble to obtain dose distributions not readily measured by
conventional methods. An improved gel formulation
(BANG-2) has a linear dose response that is independent of
energy and dose rate for the situations studied to date.
The so-called BANANA (acronym based on Bis,
Acrylamide, Nitrous Oxide, And Agarose) and BANG
(acronym based on Bis, Acrylamide, Nitrogen, and Gelatin)
formulations of polymer gels differ in their gel matrices,
which are agarose and gelatin, respectively; 1% by
weight agarose in BANANA gel was replaced by 5% by
weight gelatin in BANG gel. This resulted in a lower
background R
( 1T
), transverse NMR relaxation rate
of the water protons) for the nonirradiated gel, and a
more transparent medium in which the irradiated region
is clearly visible.
An improved polymer-gel formulation was developed,
containing 3% N,N-methylene-bisacrylamide (referred to
as bis), 3% acrylic acid, 1% sodium hydroxide, 5% gela-
tin, and 88% water, where all percentages are by weight
(see Table 9.1). This gel differs from BANG mainly in the
substitution of acrylic acid for acrylamide. Henceforth, it
FIGURE 9.6 Dose response saturation and dose rate depen-
dence at higher dose rates in BANG-3 gel formulation. (From
Reference [6]. With permission.)
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