372 Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
MOSFET is a sandwich-type device consisting of a p-type
silicon semiconductor substrate separated from a metal
gate by an insulating oxide layer. The advantages of MOS-
FET devices include being a direct reading detector with
thin active area (25
m) and having a small size. The
signal can be permanently stored and is dose-rate inde-
pendent. Dose enhancement was observed for photon
energies below 40 keV, where the photoelectric effect is
dominant. With adequate filtration, uniform response was
reported for photon energies above 80 keV. The sensitivity
and linearity of MOSFET devices is greatly influenced by
the fabrication process and the voltage-controlled opera-
tion during and after irradiation.
When a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) device is
irradiated, three mechanisms within the silicon dioxide
layer predominate: the build-up of trapped charge in the
oxide; the increase in the number of interface traps; and
the increase in the number of bulk oxide traps. Electron-
hole pairs are generated within the silicon dioxide by the
incident-ionizing radiation. Electrons, whose mobility in
at room temperature is about 4 orders of magnitude
greater than holes, quickly move toward the positively
biased contacts. Depending on the applied field and the
energy and kind of incident particle, some fraction of
electrons and holes will recombine. The holes that escape
initial recombination are relatively immobile and remain
behind, near their point of generation.
A negative bias applied to the FET gate causes a
positive charge to build-up in the silicon substrate. This
build-up of charge allows current to pass through the silicon
substrate from the source to the drain terminals. The gate
voltage necessary to allow conduction through the MOS-
FET is known as the threshold voltage.
When the MOSFET is exposed to ionizing, radiation,
electron hole pairs are formed in the oxide insulation layer.
The junction potential between the device layers, or an
applied positive potential to the gate, causes the electrons
to travel to the gate while the holes migrate to the oxide
silicon interface, where they are trapped. These trapped
positive charges cause a shift in the threshold voltage,
since a larger negative voltage must be applied to the gate
to overcome the electric field of the trapped charges to
achieve conduction. The threshold voltage shift is propor-
tional to the radiation dose deposited in the oxide layer,
and this relationship is the basis for using MOSFETs as
dosimeters. Irradiated MOSFETs have been stored under
zero bias condition for over ten years with approximately
1% loss of signal.
The efficiency of charge trapping or effective sensi-
tivity of the MOSFET depends on the thickness of the
oxide layer and the bias potential applied across the
layer during irradiation. For a given oxide layer thick-
ness, the sensitivity can be controlled by the bias potential
applied between the gate and substrate during irradiation,
since large electric fields applied across the oxide layer
result in more rapid separation of the electrons from the
Positive-ion diffusion toward the oxide-silicon inter-
face results in a negative shift of the threshold voltage,
while phonon-induced (thermal) release of trapped
charges, as well as charge annihilation by electrons tun-
neling from the silicon to the oxide layer (nonthermal),
results in annealing or a positive shift of threshold voltage.
These signal drifts become particularly apparent during
low dose rate, long-time irradiations. In order to obtain
meaningful dosimetric information from a MOSFET
dosimeter under low dose rate conditions, the drift effects
must be characterized and deconvoluted from the thresh-
old voltage data.
Prototype miniature dosimeter probes have been de-
signed, built, and characterized by Gladstone et al. [12],
employing a small, radiation-sensitive metal oxide semicon-
ductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) chip. It was used to
measure, in vivo, the total accumulated dose and dose rate
as a function of time after internal administration of long-
range beta particle radiolabeled antibodies and in external
high-energy photon and electron beams. The MOSFET
detector is mounted on a long narrow alumina substrate
to facilitate electrical connection. The basic MOSFET
probe design is shown in Figure. 8.17.
A plot of the sensitivity vs. bias voltage is shown in
Figure 8.18. A line is drawn through the data points, show-
ing that the sensitivity of the MOSFET detector varies
logarithmically with bias potential between 1.5 and 9 V.
The sensitivity does not change as a function of total
absorbed dose from 1 to 1000 cGy or dose rate from
0.195 cGy/h to 400 cGy/min.
Figure 8.19 is a plot of the threshold voltage vs. tem-
perature for our MOSFET probe. The threshold voltage
for this MOSFET type is linear with temperature, with a
slope of 7.4 mV/°C. This linear temperature shift is easily
characterized and corrected for by adding an offset to
account for the temperature of the MOSFET at the time the
threshold voltage is measured. If pre- and post-irradiation
measurements are made at the same temperature, no cor-
rection is needed.
The drift rate of the threshold voltage is observed
to be linear with ln (
) (t is time after irradiation and
is normalization time of 1 min) at times greater than
150 min, with the rate of drift increasing with increasing
A direct-reading semiconductor dosimeter has been
investigated by Soubra et al. [13] as a radiation detector for
photon and electron therapy beams of various energies. The
operation of this device is based on the measurement of the
threshold voltage shift in a custom-built metal oxide–silicon
semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). This volt-
age is a linear function of absorbed dose. The extent of the
Ch-08.fm Page 372 Friday, November 10, 2000 12:03 PM