340 Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
using the measuring bridge that is shown schematically in
Figure 6.13a. Two thermistors are serially connected in
one arm of the a.c. bridge, and in the opposite arm a fixed
high-precision resistor and a variable resistor are con-
nected to compensate the bridge. The out-of-balance volt-
age is amplified by a lock-in amplifier. Figures 6.13b and
6.13c show a typical calorimeter run in the 10-MV photon
beam with first a “calibration run” and thereafter an “irra-
diation run.” The procedure used to determine the voltage
change at mid-run is shown. The calibration of the bridge
output voltage is performed in a “calibration run” by
adding a well-known resistor to the bridge circuit (oppo-
site arm as thermistors) and determining the correspond-
ing out-of-balance voltage. This calibration is then used
to derive the average fractional thermistor resistance
change R/R due to irradiation from the voltage change
at mid-run, V, during an “irradiation run.” On both cal-
ibration and irradiation runs, corrections for changes in
self-heating of the thermistors and for nonlinearity of the
bridge response are applied. T is calculated as T
R/RS, where S is the average thermistor sensitivity result-
ing from calibration of the thermistors against standard
thermometry. [11]
Potentially, water calorimeters are most accurate, but they
are delicate systems and require considerable care to con-
trol the purity of the water and the effects of radiochemical
reactions occurring in it. The standard based on the graphite
calorimeter is improving continuously. Graphite calorim-
eters are stable and are very accurate. However, suitable
conversion procedures are necessary for establishing the
absorbed dose to water. A particular problem in graphite
calorimetry is gap effect and its corrections.
The primary standard of absorbed dose to water estab-
lished at ENEA for the
Co gamma-ray quality is based
on a graphite calorimeter and an ionometric transfer sys-
tem. [12] The graphite calorimeter is of the Domen type.
The gap configuration of the ENEA calorimeter is shown
in Figure 6.14. The four calorimeter bodies are enclosed
in a 1-cm-thick PMMA housing with 152-mm external
diameter. The external housing is radially surrounded by a
close-fitting 300-mm-diameter graphite annular body. It is
possible to increase the thickness of this annular body by
adding posterior 300-mm-diameter full backscattering
graphite plates and additional graphite front plates to
increase the measurement depth in graphite. The minimum
measurement depth (distance of the central plane of the
core from the calorimeter front surface) is 0.88 g cm
. The
calorimeter is thermoregulated at a temperature of about
27°C, with a stability better than 5 10
°C during a typical
measurement run. The jacket has approximately the same
heat capacity as the core, which is a disc of 20-mm diameter
and 2.75-mm thickness. In two holes radially drilled in the
core edge, two measuring thermistors are embedded, thus
doubling the sensitivity during measurements. Additional
thermistors are in the other calorimeter bodies (one ther-
mistor for each body) for temperature monitoring. Elec-
trical heaters are embedded in all of the four bodies of
the calorimeter. The heaters are manually operated to
inject heat amounts into each body for the calorimeter
electrical calibration and for controlling the heating or
cooling drifts in the different bodies. [12]
To transfer the dose from graphite to water, a thick-
walled (TW) ionization chamber is used. This is a cylin-
drical homogeneous chamber with graphite wall suffi-
ciently thick (0.5 g cm
) to allow electron equilibrium at
Co gamma radiation.
In each gap of the calorimeter there are three different
regions contributing in a different way to the variation of
the radiation fluence in the core. These regions are those
in front of (anterior gap), behind (posterior gap), and
around (annular gap) the core. The effects of these three
gap regions were evaluated, separately but a single correc-
tion was determined for the same region of all three gaps.
For conversion of the absorbed dose from graphite to
water, the TW chamber was irradiated in graphite phantom
at the same depth,
), where the absorbed dose to graph-
, was known by absolute measurement with the
calorimeter. A chamber calibration factor, N
, in terms of
absorbed dose to graphite, was then obtained as
FIGURE 6.13 (a) Schematic drawing of the a.c. measuring
bridge and typical time evolution of the bridge output voltage
during (
b) a “calibration run” and (c) an “irradiation run.” (From
Reference [11]. With permission.)
CH-06.fm Page 340 Friday, November 10, 2000 12:02 PM