324 Radiation Dosimetry: Instrumentation and Methods
m-thick polyethylene–aluminum foil laminate. Each
packet was conditioned for 30 min at each irradiation
temperature before irradiation, then irradiated, and then
stored at room temperature immediately after irradiation.
Figures 5.39, 5.40, and 5.41 show, respectively, the
temperature dependence of the gamma-ray responses of
the three most recent batches of radiochromic films, FWT-
60-00 (batches 8W9-1989 and 1D0-1990), GafChromic
1260 (batch 09031501-1989), and Risø B3 (batch 85-128-
1989). In all three cases, it is seen that a different trend
occurs at different absorbed doses, particularly at the higher
A technique of readout was developed by Kellermann
et al. [17] to measure the optical density distributions of
the film in purely directed light. This technique imple-
ments radiochromic film dosimetry near the film’s
absorption maximum by using a single-mode top-surface
emitting laser diode (675.2 nm). The effective sensitivity
of the film, compared with a helium-neon laser densito-
meter (632.8 nm), is increased approximately threefold.
Figure 5.42 shows the optical density of the radiochro-
mic film depending on the wavelength of the analyzing
beam after irradiation with four different doses. [18] In
the helium-neon laser densitometer, the film is scanned
with an analyzing beam and the transmission is measured
by a photomultiplier. The emission wavelength (632.8 nm)
of the analyzing beam lies in the valley of the film’s
absorption spectrum. Since the absorption spectrum of the
radiochromic film contains two peaks centered at approx-
imately 615 nm and 675 nm, it has been suggested [17]
that significant improvement in response might be
achieved by tailoring the wavelength of the incident den-
sitometer light to one of these peaks. Densitometers with
a light-emitting diode (LED) (660 nm, spectral line width
30 nm) and with an LED coupled to a band-pass filter
(670 nm, bandwidth 11 nm, GatChromic densitometer)
have been presented, but their spectral line width is too
broad to match the absorption maximum exactly, and the
improvement in response is reduced.
The radiochromic film’s sensitive layer consists of
microcrystals of radiation-sensitive monomer uniformly
dispersed in a gelatin binder. When the microcrystals are
exposed to ionizing radiation, polymerization occurs and
the polymers alter the crystal color to various shades
of blue. The optical density increases continuously with
the absorbed dose. The optical density depends neither
FIGURE 5.38 Variation of the optical density with time after
irradiation for the improved radiochromic film (solid symbol)
compared to MD-55 film (open symbol). These results were
obtained by simultaneous irradiation of pieces of each film-type
absorbed doses of 5, 16.92, and 33.85 Gy using a
Co telether-
apy unit. (From Reference [15]. With permission.)
FIGURE 5.39 Temperature dependence, relative to that at
20°C, of the gamma-ray response of two batches of radiochromic
film FWT-60-00. Batch 8W9 was irradiated at three absorbed
doses (6, 15, and 30 kGy) and batch 1D0 was irradiated at 15
kGy. The absorbances per unit thickness (
A mm
) were mea-
sured at 605-nm wavelength. (From Reference [16]. With per-
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