Solid-State Dosimeters
was found by Rustgi [8] to be more uniform than that
of the diode. The spatial resolution of the diamond detec-
tor, as measured by penumbra width, is slightly less than
that of the diode detector but clearly superior to that of
the 0.14-cm
ionization chamber. The diamond detector,
with high radiation sensitivity and spatial resolution, is
an excellent choice as a detector in photon fields with
high dose gradients such as brachytherapy and radiosur-
gery. [8]
A commercially available diamond detector (PTW)
was evaluated by Rustgi. The diamond detector had a
small measuring volume of 1.9 cm
with a sensitive area
of 7.3 mm
and a plate thickness of 0.26 mm. As shown
in Figure 8.7, the detector is enclosed in a cylindrical
plastic housing with the natural diamond plate displaced
1 mm below the front circular face of the housing. For
optimum operation, a bias of
100 V from an external
source was applied to the detector, as recommended by
the manufacturer. The conductivity induced in the dia-
mond plate by irradiation is directly proportional to the
dose rate. The charge produced in the diamond plate was
measured with a Keithley 35614 electrometer with its
electronic bias grounded. In order to stabilize the response
of the diamond detector, it was irradiated to a dose of 500
cGy, as suggested by the manufacturer.
After stabilizing the response of the diamond detec-
tor by irradiating it to a dose of 500 cGy in a solid water
phantom, the maximum variation of the diamond detec-
tor response was found to be less than 0.5% over an 8-h
period. The radiation sensitivity of the diamond detector
was measured to be approximately 2.2
C cGy
compared to 1.0
C cGy
for the photon diode
under identical irradiation geometries. The diode detector
has a sensitive volume of 0.3 mm
, compared to 1.9 mm
for the diamond detector.
The mass energy absorption coefficients of carbon, air,
and silicon relative to water as a function of photon energy
are shown in Figure 8.14. The mass energy–absorption
coefficient ratio of carbon to water changes by less than
7%, compared to 42% for the silicon to water ratio in the
0.1–20 MV energy range. Measurements made with a
silicon diode detector require energy-dependent correction
factors to convert diode response to dose.
Energy and dose rate dependence of a diamond detec-
tor in the dosimetry of 4–25-MV photon beams has been
measured by Laub et al. [9] The diamond detector was a
low-impurity natural diamond plate of thickness 0.032 cm
and volume 0.003 cm
. It was connected to a Unidos
Universal Dosimeter (PTW- Freiburg) with an applied
detector bias of
100 V. Dose measurements were carried
out in an MP3-water phantom (PTW-Freiburg). The dia-
mond detector was positioned on the central axis of a
photon beam, entering the surface of the water phantom
The diamond detector’s response turned out to be
slightly decreasing with increasing dose rate. This is actu-
ally to be expected from the theory of radiation-induced
conductivity in an insulator, which explains the decrease
in response as a consequence of a very short electron-hole
recombination time. The alteration of detector current with
increasing dose rate can be approximated by the empirical
is the detector current and is the dose rate. The
indicates dark-current influences and is
consequently nearly zero.
R is a fitting parameter for the
response of the diamond detector, and is one for the
slight sublinearity of response. In this examination,
turned out to be 0.963 0.005.
The response of the diamond detector, indicated by
the fitting parameter R, was established at different levels
of photon energy. The detector’s response did not change
significantly at any stage; consequently, the diamond
detector shows no energy dependence within the covered
energy range of 4–25 MV (Figure 8.15). Although this is
to be expected due to the near tissue equivalence of carbon,
the contact material of the detector might introduce an ele-
ment of energy dependence. Heydarian et al. [5], exposing
a diamond detector to a 6- and a 15-MeV electron beam,
could not find any energy dependence requiring correc-
tion. According to Laub results, this holds true for high-
energy photon beams, as well. The error bars inserted in
Figure 8.15 principally correspond to variations in the
dose rate delivered by the accelerator. The diamond detec-
tor was also found to possess a superior spatial resolution
and a high sensitivity (about 4.1 10
). [9]
FIGURE 8.14 Mass energy attenuation coefficients of carbon,
air, and silicon relative to water as a function of photon energy.
(From Reference [8]. With permission.)
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