Self-Similar Fractals 73 Fractal dimensions, areas, and Perimeters
Although the perimeter and the area fractal dimensions introduced in Section 3.2.7 specically
describe the relationships between the perimeter P and the area A of a patch, they can more generally
be used to quantify the structure of any rough object such as proteins, biological aggregates obtained
from natural environments (for example, marine snow) or bioreactors (for example, bioocculated
microbial aggregates generated by the activated sludge process), inorganic colloidal aggregates (for
example, clays, alum, ferric hydroxides), and growth patterns of inorganic and organic systems (for
example, cluster formation, dendritic growth, diffusion-limited aggregation). However, it appears
that many fractal relationships involving the perimeter or the area of an object signicantly differ
from the concepts introduced above. These relationships are reviewed hereafter and discussed in
relation to the related fractal dimensions. Fractal Structure of Surfaces On the Fractal Surface Dimension of Proteins
The characteristic roughness and corrugation of protein surfaces are of extreme biological relevance
in their function, including (1) the association of different subunits; (2) the recognition, diffusion,
and binding of a ligan; and (3) the release of products. Typically, the surface areas of proteins is
dened by the area accessible to a probe sphere (Lee and Richards 1971; Richards 1977) and the
related fractal surface dimension D
, estimated as
or equivalently
where k is a constant, A the molecular surface area, and R
the probe radius (Lewis and Rees 1985).
Note that Equation (3.51) is the strict equivalent of Equation (3.6), and consequently of the box-
counting dimension D
described in Section 3.2.2. This approach has been used to investigate the
fractal surface dimension of three enzymes (lysozyme, ribonuclease A, and superoxide dismutase),
which was D
= 2.44 on average for scales ranging from 0.1 and 0.35 nm (Lewis and Rees 1985).
The variation in D
over the protein surfaces revealed high fractal dimensions (D
> 2.5) for surface
regions of lysozyme characterized by elevated reactivity, while lower D
values (D
∈[2.3 − 2.5])
were obtained from regions located near the activity surface of the enzyme (Lewis and Rees 1985).
The region of greatest surface roughness corresponded to the dimmer interface and to the subunit
interface in superoxide dismutase and ribonuclease A, respectively. Regions involved in the forma-
tion of tight complexes and permanent binding (for example, interfaces between subunits, antibody-
combining regions) appeared to be more irregular than average (D
> 2.4). In contrast, regions of
proteins that interact transiently with ligans and cannot tolerate formation of stable complexes (for
example, active sites) appear to be smoother than average. Despite the very narrow range of scales
used to estimate the fractal dimensions and in the absence of any discussion related to the obvious
changes in the values of D
with the size of the probe (Lewis and Rees 1985; see their Figure 2b),
this work indicates that increased roughness favors strong bounds, thus relating the fractal structure
to specic functions and suggesting that fractal dimension could actually be used to predict protein
functional sites, as functional surfaces are much rougher than protein surfaces in general (Pettit and
Bowie 1999). Note that Equation (3.50) has further been modied to account for statistical errors
resulting from local variations in roughness at specic sites on a protein surface as
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