Self-Similar Fractals 77
(3.57) is conceptually similar to the cluster dimension D
introduced in Equation (3.18). More gen-
erally, the characteristic radius, R
, of an aggregate is related to the number of monomers, i, in a
cluster as:
= R
where the cluster exponent b = 1/D. The cluster resulting from the heat-induced aggregation kinet-
ics of immunoglobulin followed Equation (3.58) with D = 2.56 ± 0.3 (Feder et al. 1984), a value
signicantly lower than the space-lling dimension D = 3.
The fractal dimension of aggregating protein systems have also been estimated using small angle
X-ray, neutron scattering, and light scattering techniques (for example, Horne 1987, 1989a, 1989b;
Khlebtsov and Melnikov 1994; Schuler et al. 1999). These procedures measure the mean scattered
intensity, I, as a function of scattering angle and subsequently as a function of the magnitude of the
scattering vector Q, or momentum transfer vector. For mass fractals (Gouyet 1992; Pfeifer and Ober
1989), there is a power-law relationship between the scattered intensity, I, and the magnitude of the
momentum vector, Q (Schmidt 1989):
where the mass fractal dimension D
≤ 3 and Q is a function of the scattering angle q, that is,
Q = (4pn/l) sin(q/2) , where n and l are the refractive index of the medium and the wavelength of
the laser light, respectively. Equation (3.59) is valid if the cluster size is large compared with the
primary particle size, that is, R
< Q
< r (Raper and Amal 1993). In contrast, for surface fractals,
Equation (3.59) rewrites as:
where the surface fractal dimension D
is in the range 3 ≤ 6 − D
≤ 4 (Schmidt 1989). Equation (3.57)
has been successfully applied to ramied clusters of α-elastin obtained by reversible aggregation of
a nondispersed elastin solution upon increasing temperature (D
= 2.24; Tamburro and Guantieri
1991) and casein aggregates under different conditions of temperature, D
∈ [2.11 − 2.44] (Vétier et al.
1997, 2003). These values are comparable with the values reported for renneted casein and casein
aggregation induced by ethanol, D
= 2.40 and 2.33, respectively (Horne 1987, 1989a, 1989b) and for
acidied sodium caseinate aggregates, D
= 2.27 (Bremer and Walstra 1989).
Fluorescence-resonance energy transfer was used to estimate the fractal properties of the contour
of membrane protein aggregates (Dewey and Datta 1989). This method lies on the general expres-
sions relating energy transfer from a donor to acceptors randomly distributed on a fractal structure
(Klafter and Blumen 1984). For multiple donors and multiple acceptors, the ratio of quantum yields
of donor in the presence, Q
, and absence, Q
, of acceptor is given by:
where N
is the total number of donors in the presence of acceptors equivalent to the efciency
of the energy transfer between donors and acceptors, R
the protein diameter, and R the distance
between donor and acceptor. Because N
cannot be controlled experimentally, it must be related to
, the total number of acceptor molecules (Dewey and Datta 1989). First, consider the surface area,
, of the acceptor molecules. Equation (3.45) thus leads to:
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