54 Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science
see Strickler (1985) and Bundy et al. (1993) for further details. This system simultaneously
records orthogonal front (x − y) and side (x − z) views of the experimental chamber as dark
eld images. To run the system, two operators viewed the camera images in real time. As the
animal swam away from the center of either camera’s view (marked with cross hairs on the
monitors), one operator used a trackball (x and z dimensions) and the other a rotating cylinder
(y dimension) to bring the animal back into the center of both views. The actual recentering
of the image was achieved via three computer-controlled linear positioning motors (one for
each axis) that moved the entire optical system in response to the operators’ input. A computer
recorded the motor movements necessary to keep the animal centered in the two views as
x, y, and z coordinates. Because the computer only recorded coordinates when the trackball
or cylinder was moved, the coordinates were recorded at an uneven sampling rate (ranging
from about 5 to 15 Hz). Paths were then interpolated to produce an even time interval (10 Hz)
between successive position measurements. The 10 Hz rate is rapid enough that coordinates
recorded at that temporal scale are the result of very small movements of the cross hairs cor-
responding to Daphnia’s characteristic hop-and-sink behavior.
Each individual Daphnia was recorded swimming for at least 30 minutes, after which the
videotapes were reviewed and valid segments were identied for analysis. Valid segments con-
sisted of video in which the animals were swimming freely, at least two body lengths away from
any of the chamber’s walls or the surface, and the animals were always within one half-body
length of the cross hairs in the center of the video monitors. To ensure that there would be a
signicant range of scales in each path, we only used paths that were at least 30 seconds in dura-
tion. After identifying valid sequences, the frame numbers imprinted on the video were used to
isolate the corresponding time interval from the three-dimensional coordinate data stored on the
computer. These time series of coordinates formed the 3D trajectories used in the analysis.
First, from a purely theoretical perspective, it appears that the limits of the extrapolated three-
dimensional fractal dimension D
are not constant (Table 3.3). Instead they increase with increas-
ing values of the two-dimensional fractal dimension D
. The disparity between the upper and lower
limits range from 4.8 to 31.0% for values of the two-dimensional fractal dimension, D
, bounded
between 1.10 and 1.90, respectively (Table 3.3). Moreover, for values of D
greater than 1.5, the
upper limit of the extrapolated fractal dimension D
is beyond the maximum space-lling limit
= 3. Consider now the extreme case of an organism moving according to a Brownian motion
model, that is, D
→ 2. The resulting D
values would always be unrealistically found beyond
the space-lling limit, D
= 3, that is, D
→ 3 and D
→ 4. This is illustrated using the frac-
tal dimensions estimated from the two-dimensional swimming paths of barramundi sh larvae,
which drop from 1.8 prior to metamorphosis to 1.1 following metamorphosis (Dowling et al. 2000).
Extrapolating the shes’ behavior to three dimensions will lead to reasonable values of D
for sh
before metamorphosis, D
∈ [2.10 − 2.20]. However, for postmetamorphosis shes, 75% of the D
values are beyond the space-lling limit, D
∈ [2.80 − 3.60], and cannot therefore be considered
legitimate. Similar conclusions can be reached from the three-dimensional extrapolation of the
mud shore crab two-dimensional burrow morphology (Section Although the lower three-
dimensional fractal dimensions ranged from 2.49 to 2.60, their upper limits are consistently higher
than the space-lling limit D
= 3, with D
∈ [2.98 − 3.20] (Table 3.3). The validity of this extrapo-
lating procedure is then highly questionable. In addition, to be meaningful such extrapolation proce-
dures should, de facto, only be applied to perfectly isotropic three-dimensional objects, a property
impossible to assess objectively a priori.
The similarity or the difference between the fractal dimensions estimated from orthogonal two-
dimensional projections of three-dimensional objects on the x − y , x − z, and y − z planes may
instead be much more informative than trying to extrapolate two-dimensional fractal estimates to
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