90 Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science
competing fungi to established or establishing mycelia systems (Bolton and Boddy 1993; Donnelly
and Boddy 1997b, 1998). For instance, fractal analysis has been used to assess the mechanisms of
resource acquisition and the adaptation of Trichoderma viride colony morphology to the nutrient
status of the substrate (Ritz and Crawford 1991). Under low-nutritional conditions, the colonies
formed a low fractal-dimensional morphology by distributing as little hyphal mass as possible across
a maximal area. In contrast, under elevated nutrient concentration, the fractal dimension increased,
with the fungus lling the space as effectively as possible to exploit fully the substrate, suggest-
ing that the fractal dimension reected a compromise between exploitative and explorative growth
forms (Ritz and Crawford 1991). The response of T. viride colonies to a heterogeneous distribution
of resources indicates that the fractal dimension of the colony structure that developed in the direc-
tion of the nutrient source did not differ signicantly from 2, whereas that of the structure growing
away from the nutrient source had a dimension signicantly lower than 2 (Crawford et al. 1993).
However, a greater amount of hyphal mass was measured in the direction away from the nutrient
source (Crawford et al. 1993a). Those results suggest that (1) the space-lling capacity of the pattern
adjusted to the heterogeneous levels of nutrition, and (2) the processes controlling branching (that is,
space-lling efciency) and the phenomenon of mass distribution were independent (Crawford et al.
1993a). Subsequent studies focusing on the ecological signicance of the fractal nature of mycelia
have studied development in nonsterile soils. These studies have revealed interspecic differences
in fractal morphology, especially at initial stages of outgrowth from resources. Some produce sur-
face fractal systems while others produce mass fractal systems, though with time as surface fractal
systems cover a large area they become increasingly mass fractal (Donnelly et al. 1995). This may
indicate the development of a biomass-efcient, persistent mycelial network set up behind the for-
aging margin. Signicantly, differences in morphology appear to be associated with differences
in extension rate, with more aggregated systems (that is, mass fractal systems) extending faster
than surface fractal systems (Donnelly et al. 1995). Morphological and physiological differences
have been related to resource specicity, broad-fronted, slowly extending systems utilizing diverse
locally abundant resources, while narrow-fronted rapidly extending systems utilize bulky, disparate
resources. These contrasting strategies have also been described for clonal plants, the former strat-
egy being termed “phalangeal” and the latter “guerrilla” (Schmid and Harper 1985).
This stresses the need to be able to quantify both the space lling occurring at mycelia margins
(that is, the search fronts) and within the system. This effectively allows us to discriminate between
systems that are only fractal at their boundaries (that is, surface/border fractal) having entirely plane-
lled interiors, and those that are fractals where the interior of the system has gaps (Obert et al. 1990).
This is when it becomes critical to estimate two complementary fractal dimensions, the interior
and the border fractal dimensions,
, as described in Section Using this approach,
Boddy et al. (1999) found distinct temporal patterns for
during the development of the
mycelial systems of Hypholoma fasciculare but relatively similar patterns for Phallus impudicus.
This suggests that (1) interior and the border fractal dimensions are critical to understanding the
dynamics of growing microbial and fungal structures, and (2) the intrinsic dynamics of search fronts
and space-lling properties may differ at the intra- and interspecic levels. On the Fractal Nature of Plant-Root Systems
Fractal geometry is a relatively new approach to the analysis of root system architecture and was
rst introduced by Tatsumi et al. (1989). Several studies have since demonstrated that the fractal
dimension increases as root systems grow and become larger (Fitter and Stickland 1992; Lynch
and van Beem 1993) and also between plants of equal age but different size (Eghball et al. 1993;
Berntson 1994; Lynch and van Beem 1993). However, fractal dimension ontogenically increases
during early growth and then levels off (Fitter and Stickland 1992), suggesting that consideration
of fractal dimension as an estimate of root system size is appropriate only during initial growth.
The fractal dimension of root systems has also been shown to be positively related to the density of
roots (Berntson 1994), to vary signicantly between different species and genotypes (Berntson et al.
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