Self-Affine Fractals 103
of certain data are presented on log-log plots, the data appear as a straight line over a certain range.
Beyond that range, the straight line assumes the shape of a curve according to an inverse power law
of the form
where f is the frequency and b a positive exponent referred to as the spec-
tral exponent. In particular, the 1/f
law, referred to as scaling 1/f noise (Mandelbrot 1983), can serve
as a powerful tool to describe music, speech, and a wide variety of noise. For instance, studying dif-
ferent compositions such as the First Brandenburg Concerto and Scott Joplin rags, Voss and Clark
(1975, 1978) found that composition having a frequency generated by 1/f sources sounded pleasing,
while those generated by 1/f
sounded too correlated, and those sounds generated from white noise,
namely by 1/f
sources, sounded too random. The spectral density of 1/f noise thus varies with a
predictability between white noise (1/f
, no correlation in time) and Brownian motion (
variability between increments; see Section 4.1.2). More generally, the so-called 1/f noise has been
observed in a wide variety of phenomena in nature, ranging from earthquakes (Bak and Tang 1989;
Carlson and Langer 1989), turbulence (Gollub and Benson 1980), cosmology (Chen and Bak 1989),
relaxation in nonperiodic solids (Evangelou and Economou 1990), ionization of excited hydrogen
atoms (Jensen 1990), microcirculatory control of blood ow (Intaglieta and Breit 1991), and human
interbeat dynamics (Nunes Amaral et al. 1998; Ivanov et al. 1999) to complex systems involving a
large number of interacting subunits that display “free will,” such as city growth (Makse et al. 1995)
and economics (Mantegna and Stanley 1995). An illustration of different
noises, together with
the related power spectra, is given in Figure 4.3.
Both white noise (1/f
, no correlation in time) and Brownian motion (1/f
, no correlation between
increments) are well understood in terms of mathematical physics. On the other hand, the origin of
noise, which represents the most common type of noise found in nature, nevertheless remains
a mystery after almost a century of investigations. The universality of 1/f noise suggests that it does
not represent a consequence of particular physical interactions but instead is a general manifestation
of complex dynamical systems that have remarkably similar critical components, perhaps because
the “interaction parts” between the constituent subunits in such extremely complex systems domi-
nate the observed cooperative behavior more than the detailed properties of the subunits themselves
(Stanley 1995). From a mathematical point of view, this universality may be attributed to a very rich
random statistical ensemble that has typical congurations dominating over the usual mean values
(West and Shlesinger 1989).
4.1.5 Fr a c T i o n a l br o w n i a n mo T i o n , Fr a c T i o n a l ga u s s i a n no i s E , a n d Fr a c T a l an a l y s i s
Fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) represents another family of self-afne processes, dened as the
series of successive increments in an fBm. An fBm signal is nonstationary with stationary incre-
ments. The increments, y( t ) = x( t ) − x(t − 1), of a nonstationary fBm signal x( t ) yield a stationary fGn
signal and vice versa. Fractional Gaussian noise and fractional Brownian motion signals are then
interconvertible: When an fGn is cumulatively summed, the resultant series constitutes an fBm, and
when an fBm is differenced, the resultant constitutes an fGn. Each fBm is then related to a specic
fGn, and both are characterized by the same H exponent. These two processes, however, possess
fundamentally different properties: fBm is nonstationary with time-dependent variance, while fGn
is a stationary process with a constant mean and variance expected over time. Examples of fBm and
fGn corresponding to three values of H are presented in Figure 4.4. The H exponent can be assessed
from an fBm series as well as from the corresponding fGn, but because of the different properties
of these processes, the methods of estimation are necessarily different. The dichotomy between fGn
and fBm motivated a systematic evaluation of fractal analysis methods (Caccia et al. 1997; Cannon
et al. 1997; Eke et al. 2000, 2002) that showed that most methods gave acceptable estimates of the
Hurst exponent H when applied to a given class (fGn or fBm) but led to inconsistent results for
the other. The rst step in a fractal analysis is to identify the class to which the analyzed data set
belongs, fGn or fBm (Figure 4.5). The Hurst exponent H can subsequently be properly estimated,
using a method relevant for the identied class. The nature of 1/f
noises described can here be very
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