Self-Affine Fractals 127
output, connected to a 10-cm-diameter plastic tubing. Every 3 minutes, ltered organisms were
collected and immediately preserved in a 10% formaldehyde solution. This resulted in a total of
1321 samples. Adult males and females from each sample were subsequently enumerated under
a dissecting microscope. The resulting time series (Figure 4.18B) exhibits signicant semidiurnal
tidal cycle (that is, 12.5 hours) but was also characterized by very violent and erratic uctuations.
A previous power spectrum analysis showed a very strong scaling behavior over more than two
decades, with b = 1.42 (Seuront and Lagadeuc 2001), thus suggesting that the temporal distribution
of T. longicornis belongs to the family of fractional Brownian motions. After detrending, the scal-
ing properties of the time series shown in Figure 4.18B were investigated using Equation (4.38) and
the fractal dimension derived from Equation (4.39). Results and Discussion
The log-log plot of s(t) versus t shows a unique scaling regime over the whole range of available
scales (Figure 4.18C), with H = 0.37, thus D
= 1.64. The presence of a unique scaling regime
suggests that the same process, or similar processes, is responsible for the scaling structure of the
abundance of T. longicornis for time scales ranging from 6 minutes to 66 hours. Using Taylor’s
hypothesis of frozen turbulence, the related spatial scales range between 92 m and 120 km. Note
that applying rescaled range (R/S) analysis (see Section 4.2.6) to the same data set returned a very
similar value for the Hurst exponent; that is, H = 0.34, thus D
= 1.66. In contrast, the Hurst expo-
nent derived from power spectrum analysis led to a signicantly lower value for H, H = 0.21 (that
is, D
= 1.79). This is in agreement with previous studies that showed the potential differences
in the H values returned by R/S analysis (Section 4.2.6), power spectrum analysis (Section 4.2.1),
roughness-length analysis (Section 4.2.3), variogram analysis (Section 4.2.8), and wavelet analysis
(Section 4.2.8); see, for example, Mulligan (2004) for a review. This issue is addressed hereafter in
Section 4.2.10. Ecological Interpretation
The fractal dimensions obtained for the temporal distribution of Temora longicornis, bounded
between 1.76 and 1.79, are higher than those expected for passive scalar advected by three-dimen-
sional turbulence (see Section 4.2.1). Those fractal dimensions are also lower than those found
for phytoplankton distribution from in situ time series of in vivo uorescence
Seuront et al. 1996a, 1996b, 1999) and from satellite images of sea-surface chlorophyll patterns
Denman and Abbott 1988, 1994; Smith et al. 1988). This can be related to the
differences existing between phytoplankton and zooplankton in terms of size and motility, suggest-
ing that copepod behaviors such as diel migration, phototaxis, rheotaxis, social behaviors, and pre-
dation pressure—behaviors relevant at the space and time scales of the present study—induce larger
fractal dimensions (that is, a atter power spectrum and weaker scale dependence) in comparison
with phytoplankton. This is consistent with numerical experiments based on simple predator–prey
formulations considered in a turbulent frame that demonstrated that the interactions between diel
vertical migration and turbulent shear could lead to a atter zooplankton power spectrum (Steele
and Henderson 1992). Similar conclusions were reached by Powell and Okubo (1994) from their
study of interacting plankton populations in two-dimensional turbulence. In addition, the fractal
dimension estimated here from the distribution of T. longicornis is very similar to that estimated for
the oceanic copepod Neocalanus cristatus abundance transects from the subarctic Pacic,
(Tsuda 1995), over a similar range of scales (that is, between tens of meters and over 100 kilome-
ters), suggesting that the distribution of zooplankton species could be very similar independent of
their surrounding environments. This is also consistent with the white spectra ( b = 0) found for
total zooplankton density in the St. Laurence estuary (Currie and Roff 2006), leading to fractal
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