Frequency Distribution Dimensions 151
confer a signicant advantage over the usual Gaussian (that is, Brownian) motion for increasing
encounter rates when the searcher is larger or moves rapidly relative to the target, and when the
target density is low (Viswanathan et al. 2001, 2002; Bartumeus et al. 2003). The heavy-tailed
distributions observed here (with m = 2.22, 2.43 and 2.67) signicantly diverge from Lévy walks
where m = 2. According to optimal foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 1986), evolution through
natural selection should favor exible behavior, leading to different optimum searching strategies
(that is, searching statistics) under different conditions. Our results then suggest that the biotic
conditions encountered at each of our three sites might have been different, leading to different
(heavy-tailed) distributions for the most extreme displacements. Note that power-law behaviors
have also been widely described from pause or ight duration in ies (Cole 1995), albatrosses
(Viswanathan et al. 1999), rats (Kafetsopoulos et al. 1997), gilts (Harnos et al. 2000), and zoo-
plankton (Bartumeus et al. 2003), and subsequently interpreted as a Lévy ight signature. A Lévy
ight, however, is diagnosed by a power law in the probability density function (or cumulative
density function) of ight amplitudes (see, for example, Shlesinger et al. 1996). This is funda-
mentally different from a power law in the probability density function of pause duration and
ight duration. Specically, a power law in the probability density function of ight duration is
equivalent to a power law in the probability density function of ight length only if the consid-
ered organisms are moving at a constant velocity, which is very unlikely considering the intrin-
sic intermittent nature of animal locomotion (see, for example, Kramer and McLaughlin 2001;
Seuront et al. 2004c, 2004d, 2007); see also Figure 8.1B and Figure 8.2A,B.
Although an inverse square probability density distribution P(l
) ∝ l
of step lengths l
to an optimal random strategy for organisms searching for randomly located objects that can be
revisited any number of times (Viswanathan et al. 2001; Stephens and Krebs 1986), we are not
aware of any attempt to investigate this issue when prey items are heterogeneously distributed
as previously reported for the sampling site (Seuront and Spilmont 2002; Seuront and Leterme
2006). Although this is not an easy task, future work should concentrate on getting simultaneous
measurements of predator motion behavior and prey concentration and distribution. As the main
biotic factors driving organism motion behavior are the presence/absence, abundance, and distri-
bution of prey items, predators, and mates, further investigations on the interplay between motion
behavior statistics and the qualitative and quantitative nature of the biotic environments are essen-
tial to gain new insights into the origin of heavy-tailed distributions in biological systems.
5.2 the Patch-intensity dimension, D
Equation (5.1) has also been independently used to describe the space-time dynamics of self-afne
processes (see Chapter 4) that build up stress and then release the stress in intermittent pulses, such
as earthquakes (Olami et al. 1992; Correig et al. 1997), landscape formation (Somfai et al. 1994a,
1994b), avalanches (Noever 1993), volcanic eruption (Diodati et al. 1991), and sediment deposition
in the ocean (Rothman et al. 1994); the Gutember-Richter law of geophysics states that the number
of earthquakes N with energy E greater that a given threshold E
scales with E
(Feder and Feder
1991). Equation (5.1) can then be rethought and adapted to a mosaic landscape/seascape composed
of patches of different intensities as:
N(C ≥ c) = kc
where k is a constant, N is the number of patches of concentration C greater than c, and D
the related fractal dimension (Figure 5.4). Equation (5.4) has recently been successfully used to
characterize the distribution of microscale microphytobenthos biomass distribution on an inter-
tidal sandy at, leading to a patch-intensity dimension D
= 5.31 (Seuront and Spilmont 2002).
Evidence for such distributions in ecological sciences is still scarce but nevertheless includes a
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