Self-Similar Fractals 35
paths observed during the nighttime period suggest that sunsh are interacting with environmental
heterogeneity on a ner scale (Wiens et al. 1995). As shown for a variety of organisms ranging from
minute invertebrates (Crist et al. 1992; With 1994; Hoddle 2003; Seuront 2006) to large mammals
(Bascompte and Vilà 1997; Ferguson et al. 1998a, 1998b; Mouillot and Viale 2001; Mårell et al.
2002; Laidre et al. 2004), an increase in the complexity of spatial movements may also indicate an
increase in foraging or searching efforts in a localized area. Therefore, this may suggest that sunsh
were searching for more clumped resources at night. Ocean sunsh vertical dive proles observed
during daylight hours may enable them to feed on vertically migrating gelatinous zooplankton at their
diurnal depths below the thermocline (Cartamil and Lowe 2004). Here, the higher fractal dimension
observed at night for ve of the eight ocean sunsh investigated might be related to an increased
foraging activity on gelatinous zooplankton occurring near the surface nocturnally. This result does
not contradict previous work suggesting that sunsh are feeding primarily during the day. Instead,
this may further substantiate the hypothesis that the movement patterns of ocean sunsh could have
evolved as a means of foraging on vertically migrating organisms, and previous observations of noc-
turnal vertical movements were conned to the surface layer and thermocline (Cartamil and Lowe
2004). Ocean sunsh may also be feeding during both day and night but use different movement
patterns to fully exploit prey that vertically migrate. The potential link between environmental het-
erogeneity and sunsh behavior was previously investigated by looking at sunsh movements relative
to sea-surface temperature fronts (Cartamil 2003). However, the cloud cover that limited sea-surface
temperature image quality and availability over the study area hampered the identication of any
relationship (Cartamil 2003). The observed changes in fractal dimensions of swimming trajectories
may then provide an efcient, alternative tool to infer changes in environmental properties.
The signicant negative correlation between ocean sunsh size and the fractal dimension
(p < 0.05) of their swimming paths suggests that larger individuals interact with their environment
at a ner scale resolution than do smaller ones. Assuming that larger sunsh have increased remote
sensing ability and motility, they may achieve more convoluted (that is, high D value) swimming
paths, likely to increase their encounter rates with their intrinsically patchy zooplankton prey. A
more convoluted swimming strategy also increases predation risk (see, for example, Tiselius et al.
1997), and ocean sunsh are typically hunted by fast-swimming predators such as large sharks
(Fergusson et al. 2000) and California sea lions (Cartamil and Lowe 2004). However, since preda-
tion risk is less likely at large sizes, their size may enable them to use this type of movement rela-
tively safely. In contrast, the more linear swimming behavior of the smallest and slowest sunsh
(that is,
) could then be thought as an antipredator strategy.
The signicant positive correlation between temperature and the tortuosity of nighttime move-
ment patterns suggests that the foraging activity of ocean sunsh may be temperature dependent.
This may be directly related to an increased motility in warmer waters but also to different foraging
strategies. This is consistent with the high individual variability observed in the movement patterns
(Figure 3.6D) as different individuals moved over similar areas (see Figure 3.6A) but at different
times. These areas likely differed in their biotic and abiotic properties during each tracking period.
In particular, studies have documented the hierarchical nature of marine species’ responses to food
patch structure (Fauchald et al. 2000), indicating that organisms may be specically responding to
different prey distribution or density (Seuront et al. 2001). methodological considerations How to Start the Analysis?
As illustrated in Figure 3.4, the implicit easiest way to conduct the analysis is to use the rst point
of the object under consideration as a starting point for the divider algorithm. However, the val-
ues L(d ) = Nd may vary depending on the starting position along the curve, especially at large
scales (Sugihara and May 1990a; With 1994; Nams 1996). This issue can nevertheless be circum-
vented by starting the dividers procedure at different, randomly chosen positions, walking forwards
and backwards, and using the distribution of the resulting divider dimensions (also referred to as
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