Introduction 9
gasket and carpet, Pascal triangle, and Koch curve or the Mandelbrot and Julia sets widely investi-
gated elsewhere (such as Peitgen et al. 1992; Schroeder 1991; Barnsley 1993, 2000; Falconer 1985,
1993) were intentionally omitted to put more focus on real case studies.
The book naturally starts with basic denitions and illustrations related to Euclidean and fractal
geometries and dimensions. In particular, a special effort was made to dene the too-seldom-used
concepts of fractal codimension and sampling dimension. In Chapters 3 and 4, the concepts
of self-similar and self-afne fractals are introduced and the fundamental differences existing
between them are discussed, as well as the concepts of statistical self-similarity and statistical
self-afnity. Chapter 5 introduces a family of fractal dimensions derived from frequency dis-
tributions. Chapter 6 has subsequently been devoted to clarify the relationship between fractal
theory and concepts such as chaos theory, strange attractors, self-organization, and self-orga-
nized criticality. In Chapter 7, the intrinsic limitations of fractal analysis are addressed in detail,
and some criteria and easy-to-handle procedures to ensure the relevance of fractal analysis are
provided. In Chapter 8, the concept of a multifractal is dened, the different multifractal analy-
sis techniques available are reviewed and exemplied, and a very intuitive, “without the math”
multifractal technique is introduced and illustrated using a step-by-step procedure applied to a
real case study. The seldom-used joint multifractal framework is also introduced, dened, and
It is nally stressed that the motivation to write the present book stems from a report that non-
mathematically acquainted ecologists might not be able to appreciate the strength of fractals and
multifractals in analyzing their data sets because of the lack of nontechnical—hence, accessible—
books on the subjects. As such, the present work has been thought, designed, and written with
ecologists in mind. It has been written in a “handbook fashion” to promote the understanding and
the use of fractals and multifractals in ecological sciences. More technical sections are nevertheless
provided throughout the text for readers interested in getting into the (more mathematical) details of
fractal and multifractal techniques. As a consequence, it is, of course, statistically and mathemati-
cally colored. As such, the readers willing to get the details behind what could be referred to as the
“fractal/multifractal black box” can understand where a given equation comes from. However, what
ecologists do care about is ecology! Most of the techniques presented and discussed here have then
been illustrated with concrete examples from recent works but mostly using original data sets to
allow the readers to understand what they could get out of fractal and multifractal analysis without the
hassle of going through the math, or at least before eventually feeling the need to go through the math.
The less-mathematical readers will hopefully nd the hooks they need to appreciate the strength
and usefulness of fractals and multifractals in the eld of ecological sciences. Each example has
been treated as a short paper, including a description of the species and the system considered, and
the experimental procedures used to get the data, before presenting their results and discussing
them in an ecological context. More generally, the relevance of fractals and multifractals to describe
branched patterns and growth processes, habitat complexity, organism distribution, behavioral pro-
cesses, predator–prey and population dynamics, turbulent processes, and species diversity and evo-
lution are reviewed, exemplied, and discussed.
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