Self-Similar Fractals 47
the set (Kaye 1989). Note that the border box dimension D
is strictly equivalent to the boundary
fractal dimension D
(see Equation 3.12, Section
In the case of real data sets, one must always work with a nite set
(which may or may not be
interpreted as a sample of the points from some innite set). The above limit of a nite set is thus
always zero (D
= 0) because eventually d will be so small that there will only be one point in each
occupied cell. Once d becomes sufciently small, N(d ) becomes equal to the number of points in
the set, and the limit above this is (see Equation 3.9):
log( /)
where D
= 0, because
is a constant and
. This is a consequence of
all nite sets being zero-dimensional; they have the same dimension as a single point (see Section
2.2.1 for further details). In practice, the dimension D
will thus be estimated using a range of d
values that are always greater than the resolution of the studied set, which can be signicantly
greater than a pixel in the case of digitized objects. This potential limitation has to be taken into
account when writing (or, more prosaically, using) a computer program for automatic estimation of
. In addition, this method does not take into account the frequency with which the set in question
might visit the covering cells, and thus local properties of the set (that is, properties pertaining to
neighborhoods of individual points) are not distinguishable. It will nevertheless be shown below
with the introduction of the cluster dimension, D
, and the family of dimensions related to frequency
distributions that this difculty can easily be overcome.
Finally, for Euclidean objects, Equation (3.13) directly denes their dimensions. A number of
boxes proportional to d
are needed to cover a smooth line, and proportional to d
and to d
cover a curve convoluted on a plane and in a volume, respectively. case study: burrow morphology of the grapsid crab, Helograpsus Haswellianus Study Organism
The Australian grapsid crab or mud shore crab, Helograpsus haswellianus (Figure 3.9A) is common
in sheltered bays and estuaries along the eastern coastline of Australia from Queensland south to
Tasmania. H. haswellianus is a nocturnal species often found well above high-tide level in areas of
mud, and forages widely on the shore between tides (Breitfuss 1982). These crabs can be especially
abundant on salt-marsh ats (Figure 3.9B), and some are found well upriver in fairly low salinity
areas (Marsh 1982). They are also found among mangrove roots, especially those of Avicenna
marina, often in association with the red-ngered marsh crab, Sesarma erythrodactyla, and the
semaphore crab, Heloecius cordiformis (Campbell and Griffen 1966).
H. haswellianus burrow in a variety of soft sediments, ranging from dirty sand to moist clay, and
shelter under debris or rocks. Such burrowing may create quite distinct systems of interconnecting
burrows in muddy estuaries. Burrows increase the surface area available for tidal inltration of sea-
water (Smith et al. 1991), thus maintaining a critical chemical pathway between anoxic sediments
and seawater (Nomann and Pennings 1998), and provide crabs daytime protection from desiccation
and predation as well as being used for courting, breeding, and molting (Morrisey et al. 1999).
Typically, studies of burrow shape have examined metrics such as burrow system shape, burrow
system area, number of segments, linearity, turn angle, number of branches, segment length, and
branch length; see Romaña et al. (2005) for a detailed explanation of these terms. However, because
the interactions between these variables are not clear (Le Comber et al. 2006), recent studies have
begun to use fractal dimension to provide a single measure of shape that has the desirable advan-
tage of being independent of burrow length (Puche and Su 2001; Sumbera et al. 2003; Romaña and
Le Comber 2004).
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