Lemma 2.74 Let P A,-~Con(B. C), Con(B, ,C), Con(C, =B). Then D - A:B
E MO*.
Proof Extend Z: to s by, say, new p,q, so A/it. has 4 layers of ~lc. Divide
ML. into two layers with 2 sublayers each.
Define a preorder ~ on Me* as follows:
ml -A m2 iff
1) mi E layer 1 and ml ~ B or
2) mi E layer 2 and m~ ~ -~C or
3) ml = m2.
Transitivity is trivial, so this is indeed a preorder.
If W F "~B, then Ezt(W, D) = Th(W), so (W, D)I N Do. ~ W ~- O.. If Con(W, B),
W + C I- -~B, so (W, D) has no extension, so (W, D)I -,~ z)o. ~ _1_ F or.
Thus, we have to show:
a) W ~- -~B implies pr[#*(W)] = ML(W).
b) Con(W, B) implies #*(W) = (~.
On a): " C" is trivial. "D_": Let m C Me, m ~ W. Let ml E layer 1, pr(ml) = rn,
and assume there is mtt ~_ ml, ml; r rnl, mH ~ W. But W F -,B, mH ~ WA ~B.
So ml E #*(W) and m E pr[#*(W)].
On b): As Con(W, B) and F B ~ -,C, Con(W, -,C). Assume there is m E #*(W).
If m E layer 1, by Con(W,B), there is ml ~ W A B, ml E layer 1. So ml ~* m.
But, remember, layer 1 consists of 2 sublayers, so there are always 2 models of
W A B, so m! 7~ m can be assumed, and m is not minimal. Contradiction. If m
E layer 2, argue just the same way, using Con(W, -~C). So, #*(W) = (~. []
Defaults and circumscription
In this Section, we work in predicate calculus.
Lemma 2.75 Let dora(m) be finite, m E S C Me. Then 3rot E #(S).ml ~ m
(the order as in Definition 2.39).
Proof If not, construct a strictiy descending chain of models m = m0 5--
m I }--
S. But [[P~,~ _. dom(m), so that's impossible. []
Lemma 2.76 Let A := 3x, xl.x 7~ x;, D := ~, then D f! MCO~b.
Proof Suppose D E MCO*Ab, fix appropriate s II, P. Let W := ~. As
Con(W,A), (HI, A)I ~ DO" ~ A F ~r. Let WI := ~x.x = x. As -,Con(W,,A),
(Wr A) IN D ~
Now, W
n LAb = Ab ~_~
O. ~
O., so Ab ~ A.
Thus, in all minimal models of Ab, A is valid.
Claim: A is valid in all models of Ab. Proof: Suppose not, let m E M(Ab),
m ~ -,A, so dora(m) = {x}. By Lemma 2.75, there is ml _< m, m/ E #(Ab), so
dora(m1) = {x}, (remember: the domain can't change![) and by Ab ~ A, we
have m! ~ A. Contradiction.