Proof 1.: Let card(v(s = ~ > w, then, as each r E s is finite, card(Z) = ~,
so card(D) <_ card(7~(s = 2 ~, but card(ML) = 2 ~, so card(7~(ML)) = 2 (2~) >
2 ~. (The argument collapses in the finite case, as then card(v(Z)) < w = card(C).)
4.: Let Ai E D, i E I, A,- = M(T~), T := U{Ti : i E I}, A := M(T). Then m E
N{A~ : i E I} ~ Vi E I.m ~ T~ ~ m E A.
5.: Let A = M(T), Al = M(Tr), and B = M(T V T@ Then m E A U A/
Ye E T.m ~ r V Ve E Tl.m ~ g) ~ Vr V e E T V T/.m ~ r V r +-+ m E B. []
Example 1.1 Let v(Z) := {pi : i E w}, and too, mS ~ Mz be defined by
m0 ~ {pi: i < w} and m[ ~ {=pi} U {pj: j < w,i 7~ j}.
(1) Let M/:= Mc - {too}. We show that M/is not definable. Suppose there is
r such that r holds in all m E MI, but not in too, so mo ~ -~r but by finiteness
of r there is a finite fragment of rn0, consisting of the propositional variables in
r which decides r and there is m E M/, which coincides with m0 on that finite
fragment, so m ~ --r contradiction. (Each m E Mc is essentially a function
f,~ : v(Z) --+ 2, and if a C v(Z) contains the propositional variables of r then
for all m,m' such that f,~[a = f,~,[a we have m ~ r iff m/ ~ r So M/is not
definable, and f : D -+ P(Mz) defined by
Mt iff M(T) = Mc
f(MT) := M(T) otherwise
is not definability preserving.
(2) We conclude by giving an example of a countable definable set of models, and a
countable set of models which is not definable. Let T := {p~ Vpj : i, j < w, i # j},
M := {too} U {m[ : i < w}, M/ := {m[ : i < w}. Obviously, M and M/ are
countable, and M(T) = M : If m E Mc makes more than one Pi false, T does
not hold any more in m. But M! is not definable: The same argument as in (1)
works, as for each finite fragment of m0 there is m/E M/such that m/and m0
agree on that fragment. []
We shall now give some of the proof-theoretic properties considered in [KLM90]
and [LM92]. They partly go back to [GabSh], see also [Mak94] for a discussion.
Definition 1.17 The axioms of P and R.
(Strictly speaking, most of these axioms are rules, and a system X of c~ I" fl's is
said to satisfy P (or R), iff it is closed under the corresponding rules.)
(1) Right Weakening: F c~ ~ fl, 7i ~ ~ =* 71 "~ fl,
(2) Reflexivity: c~l.-~ c~,
(3) AND: o~j,--, ,8, o~},---, '-/~ a},--, ~A'7,
(4) oR: "7, ~ -7 v %
(5) Left Logical Equivalence (LLE): F a ~--~ fl, fll~ 7 => c~I~ 7,
(6) Cautious Monotony (CM): al--~ fl, c~t~ 7 =a c~ Afll~ %
(7) Rational Monotony (RM): al~-. /3 ~ (c~[~ ~7 or aA 71~ fl).
The system P consists of (1)-(6), R of (1)-(7).
These properties were first defined for single tbrmulas, some of them generalize
in a straightforward way to arbitrary sets of formulas, e.g. the following is the
infinitary version of Cautious Monotony: T C T/_C T --~ T/C T.