Thus, if we base revision on epistemic entrenchment, we cannot fix one epistemic
entrenchment relation for revisions of all theories T, but need a new relation _<:r
for each theory T. In particular, for iterated revision, we need several epistemic
entrenchment relations. We show in Chapter 5 how to do with one single relation
oI~ formulas, called epistemic preference relation there, from which a relation of
epistemic entrenchment can be constructed for every theory T. We further show
that such an epistemic preference relation can be constructed in a natural way
from a probability measure on the set of models of a (countable) propositional
language, and we can thus base theory revision on a semantic structure, consisting
of a set of possible worlds, and a notion of size.
So, here too, we see that some problems can be reduced to the notions of (distance
and) size.
We will return to theory revision in Section 3.3, when discussing a theory revision
approach to default information in a order sorted langt~age, using our notion of
consistency of default theories.
1.3.10 Introduction to structured reasoning in diagrams
Description of the situatio~l
Inheritance diagrams are directed (acyclic) graphs, with two types of arrows,
positive and negative ones, and two types of nodes, class nodes and element
nodes. Most problems can be discussed already with class nodes only. With
this simplification, nodes can be interpreted by sets, positive arrows by "soft"
inclusion, an arrow a --~ b means "most z ~ a are in b," or "normally, a's are b's",
negative arrows are interpreted by "soft" inclusion in the complement: a 74 b
reads "most z E a are not in
or, "normally, a's are not b's".
Note that the negative arrow is thus a very strong negation of the positive arrow.
A path is a concatenated sequence of arrows, following their orientation. The
intuitive reading immediately shows that negative arrows should be permitted
only at the end of an accepted path. Such paths with at most one negative
arrow (at the end), will be called potential paths. In our diagrams, arrows point
upwards, unless specified otherwise. For instance, in Diagram 1.1, c --~ b --* d
and a --* c 74 d are potential paths.
We consider a net P as information from which to draw conclusions of two kinds:
First, we may say that r permits some ':line of reasoning;', i.e. a "path" of
concatenated arrows of F, like or: a -* c 74 d in Diagram 1.1, second, that F
permits a result, like "most a's are not d's" here, if this is the conclusion of
a permitted line of reasoning. Permitted paths and results will also be called
"valid" or
in F, sometimes written F ~ ~r et*:.
In the absence of any conflicts, all potential paths are considered valid. Given
e.g. the two simple diagrams a --* b --* c and d --* e 74 f, it is permitted to
concatenate the arrows to the valid paths from a to c or from d to f respectively,
with the resulting conclusion that most x E a are in c, and most x E d are not
in f. The problem is to single out the valid paths among the potential paths