1.2.3 Abstract semantics
Above, we have described a three-layer picture:
First, the natural objects we want to speak and reason about,
second, the abstraction thereof into a formal semantics,
- third, a language and logic which correspond to the second by soundness and
Sometimes, the picture is more complicated, and we see an intermediary structure,
between the second and the third, a semantics which often evolves in hindsight,
more as an abstraction of the logic and of reasoning than of the objects one
does reasoning about. In the case of nonmonotonic reasoning, we find this in
the semantics via (coherent) systems of (weak) filters (see Chapter 3, and also
elaborated to a number of completeness results in [BB94]), and in the abstract
semantics ~ria partial orders by [FH95]. The latter idea is already inherent in the
completeness proofs in [KLM90] and [LM92], see also Section 2.1.2.
1.2.4 Restricted monotony and irrelevance
Reasoning and logic permit not only to conclude about unobservables - e.g. make
a diagnosis, predictions etc. - but also to transfer information from one situation
to another. For instance, in the case of classical monotonic logic, if we know that
T F r we know that for T/with T C TI, TI ~- 4;, too. We transfer the
conclusion (~ from T to Tf. Obviously, this type of transfer is impossible in the
case of nonmonotonic logics. Thus,
other words, with the loss of monotonicity,
we loose a lot of stability of a logic. But a logic, where we cannot transfer
conclusions from one situation to another, is not very comfortable, one always
has to start reasoning fl'om scratch. Moreover, common sense reasoning uses a
lot of such transfer, e.g. by analogical reasoning, generalization, etc., and the aim
of nonmonotonic logics is to stay dose to common sense reasoning. Finally, the
success of common sense reasoning, or reasoning at all, seems to indicate that
the world and reasoning are made in a way that a lot of transfer of reasoning is
possible. Thus, one has looked for other forms of stability than brute monotony,
and re-introduced restricted forms of monotony.
One such form is "cautious monotony". Cautious monotony of a logic IN says,
that if T IN 4; and TIN ~, then T U {4;} t N ~. Cautious monotony together with
its converse, i.e. TIN 4; implies (TI N r iff TU {4;}],'~ ~b) can best be explained
as "normal use of lemmas". If we have already deduced the "lemrna" r then we
neither win nor loose in terms of consequences by adding 4; to our theory (or set
of axioms).
More gen&ally, one can see this as the question of irrelevant information. Given
T and a possible conclusion 4;, what information can be added to or subtracted
from T without changing the fact that T 1,-~ r (or r I'~ 4;)? Less abstractly,
given a (large) database T, and a query ~b, is there a method to single out a
(considerably smaller) subset TI C_ T, such that the information contained in T/
suffices to answer the query 4;? Can we perhaps give a generic procedure, which
for a query of type z singles out an appropriate Tx C T?