and between theories proves to be useful in still other non-classical situations.
In Chapter 4, we are primarily interested in the distance between theories. We
define this distance semantically, by a distance between models, which carries over
to distances betweeen models, and thus between theories (defined as the distance
between their sets of models). This avoids problems with syntactic reformulations
of logically equivalent theories, and seems, in general, to be the sounder approach.
One notion of distance, built on a partial order of "importance" of the propo-
sitional variables is examined in detail in Chapter 4. It permits to define the
distance between individual models and between sets of models in the same way.
The distance is, roughly, the first (by importance) propositional variable tbr which
the models or sets of models do not coincide. In this particular case, the notion
of distance is then further reduced to a relation of order or importance on the
propositional variables.
This seems to be a naturM way to measure distances between models. Technically,
it results in nice topological properties. The space thus constructed is almost
metric, and uniformity properties, like uniform continuity, uniform approximation
can be defined. Separation properties and connections between continuity and
compactness of a logic are shown.
We use this distance to - define a topology on the set of theories. This permits us
to characterize a logic as continuous, which is a measure of well-behavedness or
stability of a logic: If the input (the set of axioms) changes a little, the output (the
set of consequences) changes a little, too. - define a distance between logics, and
thus profit e.g. from the semantics existing for one logic to see the (approximate)
meaning of the other. - say that a sequence of logics approximates another logic,
which opens a way of speaking about approximate reasoning in formal and precise
terms. - give precise meaning to the much-used notion of graceful degradation. -
say e.g. that an abstract of a text is close to its original.
Finally, the underlying notion of importance opens new approaches to theory
revision and relevance, by neglecting unimportant information.
Finally, we use the same distance and partial order to define a measure on the
space of theories~ leading to the definition of the average difference between two
logics, i.e. the integral of their local differences.
1.3.9 Introduction to theory revision
Theory revision took its origin as an abstraction of a problem from legal reasoning.
When a new law is passed, the old body of laws may contain obligations, which
contradict the new law. In that case, the new law is supposed to have precedence
over that part of the old laws which contradicts it (unless the old law has, by
principle, precedence over the new one, like federal law has over state law). Yet,
in case of conflict, it is not intended that
of the old laws should become invalid,
onty that part which contradicts the new taw. A - in some sense - minimal change
should be made to the old laws to incorporate without contradiction the new law.
Abstracting from the legal or deontic context, we want to incorporate a formula
into a theory T, such that T is minimally modified to some T/, such that TID {4~}