Assume nowat
,-o b, c~ b.
By a ~- aVc and Fact 2.127 (c), a I" bh(aVc), so by W aV(bA(aVc))I~ bA(aVc).
But, aV(bA(aVc)) ~ (aVb)A(aVc) ~ aVc. By Fact 2.127 (a), aVcl~ bA(aVc),
and by Pact 2.127 (b), a V cl,-- b. []
2.3.4 On different infinite extensions of 1
Suppose s is uncountable. Instead of one big step, approximating by finite sets,
one might consider a smoother procedure: inductive approximation through the
cardinals. Are both approaches the same? This Section gives a partial answer:
We prove that if both approaches coincide for all c~ < ~ , and ~ is a regular
cardinal, then they coincide for ~ too. The author does not know whether the
induction carries through singular cardinals.
Assume the axiom of choice throughout. Let I - I denote the cardinality function,
9 ordinal multiplication. ~ will be any infinite cardinal.
of i,-~ ~ (by induction on cardinals) Let 1~ be a finitary en-
tailment relation for some language s Assume I,,~ ~ to be defined for all infinite
cardinals ~ < ~;. Then define A[,-~ ~r iff
there is A0 C A, [ A0 I< ~, and for allB such that I B I= ~ < ~ and Ao C B C_ A,
B]~', r andBl,-~ ~r
(Thus, I~ ~ is the canonical extension of [FLM90].)
Lemma 2.128 AI~ o,r -~ AI~ ~r
Proof By induction on infinite cardinals.
Lemma 2.129 Assume l A 1= ~, ~ regular, and for all # < ~ and AI C
A1],-o .r ~ A/l~ ~q~. Then A],-~ ~b ~ AI~ ~qS.
Proof To simplify notation and save us another bijection, assume without loss
of generality A = n. By assumption, there is Ao G A, I Ao ]< n, and for all B,
I B ]= ,k < ~, Ao C_ B C_ ~ B IN ~r holds. By induction hypothesis, B [~-- ~r
By regularity of n, there is a < ~ such that Ao C_ a. If n is a limit cardinal, set
I( := {hi < n: n/is a cardinal}, if ~: = n/+, set K := {hi./3: fl < n}. In both
cases, K C_ n is closed unbounded.
Moreover, there is a bijection g : ~ ~ ~<~ ( where X <~ := {y C~ X: I Y I< ~}
), such that for all nl E K, gin1 : nt ~ ~I <~ is a bijection. (To see this, proceed
inductively: If nr is a limit point of K, let g In/:= U{g [nll: nH< nl}. If nl is the
successor of ~;1! in Is use ] ~r -- ~t! I----[ ~r I-)
Let now A := K-o~, so A __ ~ is closed unbounded, and for X E A, t1-,~ ~r Thus,
for each X C A, there is aa C ~ finite and for all ax C b C ~ finite, b I r r Define
h(X) := such an aa (using AC). Thus, for X ~ A, f(X) := 9-~(h(a)) C ,X, so f is
regressiv, and defined on a stationary subset of ~. Using Fodor's Theorem (see
e.g. [Kun80]) by regularity of ~, we see that there is X C_ A, X C_ ~ stationary,