Thus, letting f be as above, defining XA := A- f(A), any acyclic --4 9 on minimal
inconsistent subsets of A will give a consistent subset Af C_ A. Choosing -4 9 non-
empty will lead to some inconsistencies "being invisible", since some elements
responsible are eliminated already. The effect can be seen easily when looking
back at the example discussed in the first approach: Letting {r -4 9 ~b},
~q5 might be eliminated (by suitable f and X) as {r ~qS} is -4 9 leaving
{~qS, ~b} out of consideration. The discussion of --< 9 will be resumed in a moment.
Next, we look at the compatibility of this approach with an order on arguments
(subsets of A).
It is natural to define for c,, fl C_ A: c~ --4 fl :~ c~ C_ f(c, Ufl) - leaving all
logic aside for the moment. We have discussed the Postulates 1.-3. for orders
on arguments above, and examine now which of the above introduced fi satisfy
some or M1 of these postulates, fl will violate 2., as the addition of any element,
such that the largest element does not exist any more, will show. Consider f2,
and let c~ := {de}, fl := {Z/,z}, ordered by 9 < z (as defaults) only. Then
f(~ U fl) = {x,y}, thus ~ -< fl (as arguments), which seems very unnatural.
Looking at f = fa, which preserves all non-maximal elements, we see that the
order on arguments generated by f satisfies indeed 1.-3. This is immediate by
c~ -4 /3 ee c~ C_ fa(c~ U/3) ~ V:~ 6 c~By E c~ U/3(x < y) ~ Vz E
~?y C
/3(x < !/),
the last equivalence by transitivity of the partial order on E;
We have now for ~5 E A (-4 9 = ~ again, MI being the set of minimal inconsistent
subsets of A, thus by -4 9 = ~ M = MI):
6EA/~VAEM@5~XA) ~ VA E Mt(a 6 A ~ ~S c f(A)) ~ VA E MI(6 E A
---, {~5} -< A - {~}) ~ V/3 g A(-,Co.rz(a, 5) -+ {~5} -4/3). In the last equivalence,
we use property 2.: " +--" is trivial. "-+": Suppose there is/3, -~Cor@5,/3), -~{~5} -4
/5. Take 13I C /3 such that {~5} U ~ql is minimal inconsistent, so by prerequisite,
{c5} -4 fit, and by property 2. {~5} -4 ~.
Moreover, for a C_ At, we have =Corz(c~ tO/3) --+ a -< /3: Let /3t C_ /3 such that
a U/3t is minimal inconsistent. As a C A4 X~uo, R c~ = (~, thus a C f(a tO/30
and ~ -4 fit, by 2. r -4 ft.
Let us resume the discussion of -4 9 What are the meaning and properties of
the -4 o-relation? Let A -4 oB. Thus, the elimination of the inconsistency A
by eliminating the elements of XA is estimated so strong that the inconsistency
B need not be considered any more. In other words, the argument B - XB
against XB looses its importance. Now, we have by f a relation --4 on arguments.
Moreover, we have a notion of definiteness, resulting from f as well, as introduced
at the beginning of the Section. A natural definition (suggested by S.Lorenz) of
will be
A -4 9 :~ 1. f(A) C_ B, 2. A- B -4 B, 3. d(f(A)) = 1, d(f(B)) 7s 1.
By 3., any such -4 9 will be acyclic, by the same reason, we can't have A < 9
| To conclude A -4 oB C_ C -+ A -4 9 for C such that d(f(C)) # 1, we need
A - C -4 C, which will not always hold. (It will hold for -4 defined by fa.)