2.108 for all < T, TI >E E. (i) is trivial. (ii) Assume there are < m,f >-4<
ml, fl > with rnl E M(TI), m E M(T) - M(TI). By our above Note, m <z ml,
contradicting (e), (c~). (iii) and (iv) are trivial by construction.
Obviously, (b) in Definition 2.108 is already satisfied by E, -~ is transitive, and
< n,g >~< rn, f > iff < n,gt >-~< rn, f >, so (a) in Definition 2.108 is satisfied
too. Thus, 3,t is indeed a structure as in Definition 2.108.
(a) T [,'- ~5 -+ T >ca r Let T I" r Let E be the full system of s -pairs E
JM is constructed from, so there is < T, TI >E }~ with TI ~- 6. But, as just shown,
E <_ A, so T ~4 r
(b) T ~ 4--+ TIN r So there is T1with < T, TI >E A = AM, Tr b- r so
by (d) T/I r It sumces to show
the conditions (1)-(4) of (/3) for E, as then
IT, T{]~, and thus TI.-~ r
(1) is trivial.
(2) Suppose to the contrary that there is ml E M(TI), m E M(T) - M(Tf),
m <z mL Thus we have a finite sequence m = m~ <1 9 9 - 9 <1 9 <1 9 = ml.
So there are < Ti, ~+~ >E E with m~ E M(Ti) - M(Ti+~), m~+~ E M(7}+~). But
then, by construction of M, there is f,~ with < rn, f~ >E M, ra~+~ E ran(f~), and
< mi+l, f/+l i>-~ 9 < mi, fi >, as -d 9 was defined only by the condition m~+l E
ran(f/). So < rn, fn >=< rnn, f~ >-4< mo, f o >=< 'ml, fo >, contradicting
condition (ii) for ~,ta 9
(3) Suppose to the contrary, that we have some m E M(T) - M(TI) without
any < T.r~, Tr,~ >E P, such that rn E M(T~) - M(Ts~) and Vn E
3rnl E M(TI) such that ml <z n or m/= n. So for each < T,~,Ts~ >E P, with
m E M(Tm) - M(TI,~) we have n E M(TI,~) - M(T~) without any m~ E M(Tr
such that m~ <r. n. Take f, which always chooses those n, so, by construction
of 3/t, < m,f >E M. We show that we do not find < m~,fl >-<< m,f >,
m~ E M(T~), contradicting (iii) of Definition 2.108 for T~. Suppose to the contrary
we have a chain in ~v4 < m~,f~ >=< m~,r >-< .... -< 9 < m~,f~ >-< 9 <
m0, f0 >=< m,f > with m~ E M(T@ By definition of f and m~ E ran(f),
m~ ~ M(T 0 and we have no r~z E M(T~) with n~ <z rn~. But then, by above
Note, < m~, fr >r rrh, fl >, contradiction.
(4) We have to show that Vine E M(T~)Vm E M(T) - M(TI) mr <~ m. By (iv)
of Definition 2.108, we find for alI m E M(T) - M(T~) and me E M(Tr i, i~ with
< m~,it >-<< m,i >, so by above Note rut <~ rn. []
Local and global metrics for the semantics
of counterfactual conditionals
2.2.1 Introduction
The semantics for counterfactua! conditionals employs indexed relations -% be-
tween possible worlds, with x -4~ y read intuitively as "x is closer to a than is y."
This Section considers the question how far these different "closeness" relations
of a model may be derived from a common source. Despite some welt-known