We have thus proved our main constructive result:
Proposition 5.16 Let
pi : i E co
be given a probability xi E (0, 1), then this
gives rise naturally to probabilities ~,(r for any formula in s such that 1) - 6) of
Lemma 5.15 are valid, and thus to an epistemic preference relation <__ for s i.e.
satisfying 1. - 4. of < in Definition 5.6, and thus the prerequisites of Proposition
5.8. []
Fact 5.17 Let 0 < a < b < 1. Augment the natural order of the reals by setting
x _<+ y for all a _< z, y _< b, i.e. "identify" all elements of the interval [a,b]. Let
L, be defined as in the construction leading to Proposition 5.16 and set r __< 4 iff
~'(r -< ~'(4) or L,(g?) _<+ ~,(r Then __< is still an epistemic preference relation on
Example 5.2 Consider now/2 := {A,B, C}, and set
:= 1/2,
:= 1/5, a := 5/30, b := 10/30, and identify in the interval [a,b] as
described in the above Fact. Then ~,(A) = 15/30, ~,(B) = 10/30, t/(AAB) = 5/30,
~,(AV C) = 18/30, ~,(B V C) = 14/30, ~((A A B) V C) = 10/30. By identification,
(A A B) V C < A A B, but neither A V C _< A nor B V C < B. []
So far, it is quite possible that ~,({4) = ~'(4), but [;/ r ~ 4. We now make ~,
injective (modulo ~). Thus, we improve our result such that (r < 4 and 4 < r
iff I- r ~ 4. Choosing the zl of Definition 5.11 above according to the following
fact on the reals will do the trick:
Fact 5.18 Let X :=
{xi : i E w} C I C_ ~, I
uncountable be given. Then
there is xl E I such that z/ is not equal to any real that can be obtained by
finite addition, subtraction, multiplication, division from elements of Q tl X.
(Card(I) > card(Q
U X) = ~0 suffices for the proof.) []
We choose the
for the above construction of the ai in Definition 5.11 according
to this fact.
Suppose that r 4 are not equivalent, but u(r = u(4). Thus, there is an assign-
ment t such that t(r r t(4). So U{g(t): t E Vat(C)} r U{g(t):
t E Val(4)}
(w.l.o.g. all t with the same domain p0...pn, and n chosen least such that the
assumption is valid), but ~,(r = ~'(4). Thus, u(r = E{II{y~j : j = 0,...,n} :
i = 0,...,m}, u(4) =
: j = 0,...,n} : i = 0,...,rnl}, where the
are either
or 1 - zj. After multiplication, the equation looks like this:
sl + ... + sk = tl + ... + tt, the s~ and t~ are of the form: 1 or_+ 0cTl* ...* ZTh,
and each
occurs at most once in each summand. After cancelling summands
of the same form that occur on both sides of the equation, x~ will still occur
in at least one of the summands, as n was chosen least. So, we can solve the
equation (linear in x~) for xn and have ~n =
X~-l), where f is composed
of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division - contradicting Fact 5.18. As
the z~ can be chosen within any distance > 0 from a desired value, choosing xi
according to this fact is no real restriction.