of K), the more drastic and coarse a contraction will be; the more fine-grained it
is (in the other extreme K itself), the more we approach the above completeness
result. This is made precise in Proposition 5.23, which, basically, shows that
splitting an axiom r into {~b V 05, ~b V 705} will decide 05, i.e. give completeness
with respect to r
Consider now theories T, T! .... in some finite s C_ s It is natural to define r,(T)
:= E {#(g(t)): dorn(t) : s t
r}. (t b T means, of course, t(05) = true for all
05 E T, see Remark 5.20.) In other words, t,(T) is the sum of the probabilities of
all s t that make all 05 E T true. The more specific a theory is, the less
likely it is, too: T C_ T/ ~ u(TI) <_ t,(T), and the empty theory has probability
1. On the other hand, we are interested in "good choices", i.e. we prefer 05 to -~05
if u(05) > u(-~05). So t, will be a good measure only for theories of the same level
of specificity. In other words, K - A (here, K - A means some contraction of K
with respect to A) cannot sensibly be the u-maximal Kt C__ K such that K/~/A,
as this is always the empty theory.
A better choice might be a r-maximal one (if it exists) among KA :: {K/C K
maximal: K/k/A, K/is F-closed}, this is again "maxichoice contraction".
But there is a problem to maxichoice contraction, pointed out in lAMB2]: For
any K1 E Ka, A E K, Th(I(~ u
will be a complete theory. (The proof
is very simple: Let B be given. As A E K, AVB and AV-~B are in K.
Suppose A V B r K/, A V -~B r KI. As A V B 6 K/, by maximality there is
Co E Kt such that Co A (A V B) b A, and as A V -~B r Kt, there is C1 E K/with
U1A(AV-,B) t- A. Thus, for C := CoAC~ E Kt, CA(AVB) t- A, CA(AV-,B) F A,
consequently C A B F A, C A -~B b A, and C t- A, contradicting C E K! E KA.
Thus, A V B E Kt or AV-~B E K6 and KIU {-~A} b B, or Kt U {-~A} b -~B. )
We now show that this problem essentially carries over to theory revision based
on axiom sets too.
So far, we have examined theories without any specified axiom system generating
the theory. In the following, we consider pairs < K, X >, where X is an axiom set
for K. Define KA, X := {< Kt, X1 >: X/C X maximal, X/t7' A, K/= Th(Xt)}
and choose K-A as a u-maximal < Kt, XI > from KA, X (if possible). Consider
nOW <~ I(, X 1 >, <~ /(, X 2 ~>, w}lere X l :--- {05, 05 ---+ ~), ~},
and X2 := {05, 05 --* ~b}.
In both cases, we can infer ~b, and the resulting theories are the same. Suppose
we now retract 05 -+ ~b. In case [, it is very sensible to uphold ~b, whereas in case 2,
it will not be a good choice. (This example can be found analogously in [GM88]
and [FUV83].) So we are highly dependant on the syntactic form of the axioms,
and this is certainly not very desirable. As another example, consider revising a
theory which is given by the axiom
sets {al, a~]. or
{a I
/~, a2}.
So revision may
give different results ({al} or {a2} vs. the empty theory), which is a doubtful
outcome. To avoid this influence of the syntactic form, we might split the axioms
as far as possible to obtain optimal results. This procedure, however, approaches
completeness, as the following Proposition will show: