Intuition and outline Mixed Inheritance Systems contain strict inibrmation,
written p => q, and defeasible information, written p --+ q etc. For objects, only
strict information is admitted, there are no arrows a --+ p.
As the intuition is the combination of the intuitions already discussed, we can pro-
ceed directly to the definitions, define potential paths, dicuss briefly the increased
possibilities of conflicts and preclusion, and define ~ .
Potential paths
Definition 6.24 If z => p E F, then z' => p is a simple strict positive potential
path (pp.),
if x 75 p E F, then x 75 p is a simple strict negative pp.,
if z --+ p E F, then x --+ p is a simple defeasible positive pp.,
if x 74 p E F, then x 74 p is a simple defeasible negative pp.
If x..- => p is a strict positive pp., and p => q E F, then z ... => p => q is a strict
positive pp.,
if x.. :ez p is a strict positive pp., and p 7g q E F, then z .. 9 => p 75 q is a strict
negative pp.,
if x. 9 => pis a strict positive pp., and p-+ q E F, then z.-. ~ p --~ q is a
defeasible positive pp.,
if x- => p is a strict positive pp., and p 74 q E P, then z..- => p 74 q is a
defeasible negative pp.
If x. =ez p is a strict negative pp., and p r q E P, then x 9 - 9 => p r q is a strict
negative pp.
If x- --~pls adefeasiblepositivepp.,andp=>qE P, thenx'----~p=>qisa
defeasible positive pp.,
ifx. ~pls adefeasiblepositivepp., andp74-qEF, then x--.--+p75 qisa
defeasible negative pp.,
ifx. --+plsadefeasiblepositivepp.,andp+qE P, then z-..--*p--+ qis a
defeasible positive pp.,
if x-- --+ p is a defeasible positive pp., and p 74 q E I', then z--- -+ p 74 q is a
defeasible negative pp.
If x.. --+ p is a defeasible negative pp., and p <=: q E F, then z... --+ p r q is a
defeasible negative pp.
As p 75 q is equivalent with q 75 p (see [THT86]), we sometimes write p eft, q.
Negative paths have the form x-.- => p 75 q ~ ---r, x.-. ~ p 74 q r -..r,
z ... --4 p 75 q r 9 r', x. - 9 ~ p 74 q r 9 -- r, the end-segment beginning with p
will be called the negative segment.
Increased possibility of conflicts and preclusion Conflicts: In [HTT87],
conflicting paths had always start and end in common. Consider now the diagram
{r :=~ t, r...p, p...u, u 74 t}.
Here, the pp. p... ~ r conflicts with the pp.
p... ~ u S+ t, because we definitely know that all r's are t's.