increases monotonically with the set of prerequisites. This is not the case with
nonmonotonic logics. There we have some T C_ T4 some 4 with T l~ ~, but
TI]7~ 4, where ]~ is the consequence operation of this nonmonotonic logics. At
first sight, this seems strange.
But, if T and Tt contain information of different value or reliability, it may very
well be that we accept 4; as reasonable on the basis of T, but a new formula in
Tt, added to T, might contradict the grounds which led us to accept 4;. If the new
formula is considered more reliable than the old reason to believe q~, we will not
necessarily accept q5 any more as reasonable.
Likewise, if we reason about the usual, typical or normal cases, it might very well
be that the normal cases in which T holds, satisfy 4;, too. But, the normal cases
in which Tt holds, need not satisfy ~ anymore, even if Tt includes T. This is the
case if "normality" is chosen relative to the theory, as then a T-abnormal case
can become Tt-normal. As a matter of fact, the perhaps best examined semantics
for nonmonotonic logics (preferential semantics) is based exactly on such a choice
of normal cases.
To summarize, classical logic fits mathematical objects, where - on a first level
- there is no distinction in importance of the objects. For example, even a very
bizarre counterexample is a valid counterexample. Nonmonotonic logics, on the
other hand, fit more the objects of common sense reasoning, where some cases -
and some information - are more important than others.
Logic versus reasoning systems
This book discusses logic, not reasoning systems. A logic is a tool for failsafe,
ideal reasoning about a domain, and efficiency is not an issue. We want to be
able - in principle - to prove everything which is true, and nothing, which is not
true. Logic is a fundamentally idealistic enterprise.
For example, most reasoning about mathematical objects is not done by perform-
ing classical inferences, but by reasoning educated by classical logic, and checked
by classical logic.
A reasoning system is concerned about giving reasonable answers in reasonable
time to precise questions. As such, it should be an efficient tool. In contrast, a
logic can be inefficient, and, as a matter of fact, nonmonotonic logics are very
inefficient. (This has been demonstrated in a number of articles by Gottlob
([EO92], [EG95], [Got92], [Got95a], [Oot95b]).
Usually, the type of questions one poses to a reasoning system is quite narrowly
defined. A doctor, a human reasoning system, will be asked to make a diagnosis,
to suggest a treatment. An unusual question, like "how many drugs do you know,
whose name's 5th letter is an 'r' ?" will pose @ite a problem. A reasoning system
is built to answer specific questions, but not to give an exhaustive picture of a
situation, examine all possible consequences, compute the deductive closure.
A reasoning system can also fail in minor details of the answers. Usually, there is
a hierarchy of importance for a reasoning system. If time is lacking, a reasoning
system should try to answer the most urgent questions, giving perhaps just a