There are many different techniques used. Most require prior training with data
from representative examples of each class of objects, although there are methods
that can find clusters of parameter values that indicate the presence of multiple
classes, as well as methods that start with a few examples and continue to learn as
more objects are encountered. There are many texts just on the various recognition
and classification techniques, which are heavily statistical. Good introductions that
cover a variety of methods include S.-T. Bow, Pattern Recognition and Image
Preprocessing (Marcel Dekker, New York, 1992) and K. Fukunaga, Introduction to
Statistical Pattern Recognition (Academic Press, Boston, 1990).
It is not the intent of this text to delve deeply into the relative merits of expert
systems, fuzzy logic and neural nets, syntactical description, or kNN (nearest neigh-
bor) methods. The following illustrations are basically implementations of a classic
expert system but have some of the characteristics of fuzzy logic due to the use of
histograms of feature parameters. Figure 5.48 shows a simple example, a collection
of the letters A through E in different fonts, sizes and orientations. A set of four
rules are shown connected in an expert system that identifies all of the letters.
This is a very sparse example of an expert system; most have hundreds or
thousands of rules, and the task of the software is to find a logical connection path
and efficient order of application that will result in paths from input values to output
identification. But even this simple example indicates one of the limitations of the
method: the difficulty of adding additional classes. If the letter “F” is added to the
image, new rules are needed, some of the existing ones may be discarded, and the
order of application may change completely.
Also, it is important to remember that the expert in an expert system is the
human who generates the rules. These are typically based on experience with or
measurement of many prototypical examples of each class (a training set). For
instance, the rule shown for distinguishing the letters A and D is based on roundness.
Figure 5.49 shows a histogram of the roundness values for the various A and D
letters in the original image, showing that they are completely separated and indi-
cating where a decision threshold can be placed between the two groups.
It is unusual to find a single parameter that completely separates the classes.
One approach to dealing with this is to use statistical techniques such as stepwise
regression or principal components analysis to find a combination of parameters that
provide the separation. Instead of roundness, the horizontal axis for the histogram
might be a combination of several measurement values, each multiplied by appro-
priate coefficients. Neural networks operate in a similar way, finding the weights
(coefficients) that describe the importance of each input variable.
Another way to improve the separation of classes is to work with multiple
parameters in a two-, three- or higher dimension space. For example, consider the
task of separating cherries, lemons, apples, and grapefruit. Size clearly has a role,
but by itself size is not sufficient for complete discrimination. Some lemons are
larger than some apples, and some apples are larger than some grapefruit. Color is
also a useful parameter. Cherries and apples are red, while lemons and grapefruit
are yellow. But again there is overlap. Some grapefruit are pink colored and some
apples (e.g., Golden Delicious) are yellow. Figure 5.50 shows a schematic approach
to using both the redness of the color and the size of the fruit to separate the classes. Page 351 Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:30 AM
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