into pieces as watershed lines are drawn to the interior holes (Figure 4.12c). Simply
filling all of the holes will not correct the problem, because the image also contains
holes that lie between the cells. However, the size and shape of the interior holes
are different from those of the holes between cells: the latter are larger and/or cusp-
shaped while the interior holes are small and/or round. Selecting just the interior
holes and filling them in allows a watershed procedure to successfully separate the
touching cells (Figure 12e). The selection process is performed by measurement of
size and shape, as discussed in Chapter 5, after which a Boolean OR is used to
combine the image of the selected interior holes with the original binary image.
Angular features can also create difficulties for the watershed method. As shown
in Figure 4.13, when irregularly shaped particles touch the junctions are frequently
not simple. The watershed method sometimes draws the separation lines in ways
that alter the apparent shape of the features. It may also fail to draw some of the
lines where the width of the touching junction is greater than the perpendicular width
of the feature. An example is shown by the arrow in Figure 4.13(c). Another problem
with this particular image is that the size range of the features is too great for
measurement at a single magnification. The shapes of the smallest features (under
about 40 pixels) are not adequately represented in this image, and should be elim-
inated before measurement. Additional images at higher magnification can then be
The ultimate eroded points (UEP) are local maxima in the EDM, marked on
the original image from Figure 4.9. The value of the EDM at the ultimate point is a direct
measure of particle size without requiring watershed segmentation, corresponding to the radius
of an inscribed circle in each feature.
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