2.56 CHAPTER 2
Ensuring Stable Performance The ability for a pump to run smoothly with minimal
pressure-rise and flow-rate excursions is dependent on the shape of the pump head-flow
performance curve and the characteristics of the system in which it operates. There are
two types of pump-system instability; namely, a) static instability, which can be ascertained
by studying the pump and system head curves, and b) dynamic instability, which requires
more detailed knowledge of the system
. (In addition to these system-related instabilities,
there is the unsteady behavior of the separated and recirculating flows that occur when a
pump operates a flow rate substantially below the BEP. Called hydraulic instability, this
becomes important in higher-energy applications and is therefore discussed later.)
a) Static stability and instability. Figure 24 illustrates two pumping systems; namely, a)
a piping system in which the flow is turbulent and largely independent of Reynolds num-
ber; so, the head drop H through it is proportional to Q
, and b) two reservoirs with a
constant difference H between the two liquid surfaces and comparatively negligible head
loss in the pipes connecting them. In each case, the pump is designed to produce head H,
as required to deliver the desired flow rate Q.The influence of the pump head curve shape
is immediately appreciated in Case (b): the curve “droops” as Q is reduced to shut-off,
thereby producing two vastly different flow rates at the same head. In fact, however, the
pump will not operate at the lower-Q intersection point of the two curves.The pump shut-
off head is less than H, so it will produce no positive flow rate. Instead, as discussed in
Section 2.3.1, fluid will flow backwards through the pump. Further, if circumstances could
allow operation at this lower-Q point, even a vanishingly small increase of Q would cause
a further, divergent increase because the head of the pump exceeds the H of the system.
Likewise, a small decrease leads to even lesser Q because the system H exceeds that of
the pump. This is called “static instability.” Conversely, the higher-Q point of Figure 24b
is “statically stable,” small departures in Q being suppressed by algebraically opposite
signs of the difference between the system and pump heads. Both intersection points of
Figure 24a are seen by this type of analysis to be statically stable. If the operator increases
the frictional resistance by closing up a valve in the piping system, the operating point
simply moves to the left on the curve and remains stable. Thus, it is concluded that if the
slope of the pump H-versus-Q curve is less than that of the system, operation will be sta-
tically stable
and vice versa.
Most pumping systems are combinations of the “pure friction” type of Figure 24a and
the “purely elevation” type of Figure 24b. In this case of static stability, the drooping pump
head curve presents no problem. Theoretically, it is possible to have a pump head curve
with a kink that could have a more positive slope than that of a system curve, which might
intersect it at such a kink. The high-
curve of Figure 22b depicts a kink or dip, which is
due to stalled flow within a mixed- or axial-flow impeller that is not sufficiently confined
by the impeller to be maintained in solid body rotation. (It is the centrifugal effect of such
rotation that maintains the pressure rise in radial-flow impellers despite the stalling.)
That particular pump, if applied to a system that never intersects the pump head curve at
the kink, would never experience static instability. On the other hand, the designer may
want to take on the challenge of designing a machine without such a kink. The previously
mentioned design procedure utilizing CFD in both the impeller and the diffuser to check
whether the kink is gone would be a way of tackling this problem
In-depth discussion of the variety of systems that can be encountered, including mul-
tiple systems and parallel operation of multiple pumps, can be found in Sections 2.3.1, 8.1,
and 8.2. Purely from a static stability standpoint, most of these situations demand a sub-
stantially negative slope of the head curve throughout the range of flow rate Q
or what
is commonly specified as a pump with head “continuously rising to shut-off.” (This “rise in
head” versus a drop in Q should not be confused with the pump developed head H, which
is also properly termed the “head rise” H, produced by the pump at a given value of Q.)
b) Dynamic instability. If the system has appreciable capacitance, operation may not be
stable if the slope of the pump head curve is positive or even zero
. This is true even
though the slope of the pump head curve is less than that of the system head curve as
required above for static stability
as with the lower-Q intersection point of Figure 24a.
Dynamic instability can be manifested as pump surge, a phenomenon wherein the flow