energy evaluations, 11.11
inspection checklists, 11.17
life cycle cost evaluations,
noise data sheets, 11.19–11.20
pump data sheets, 11.11
technical specifications, 11.9
technical specs, 11.10
testing checklists, 11.17
vendor data requirement
forms, 11.17
rheograms, non-Newtonian flows,
RHR pumps (residual heat removal),
9.280, 9.285
rigid couplings, 6.175–6.176
rigid shafts, 2.133, 6.185–6.186
rigid vane pumps, 3.126
rigid water column theory,
waterhammer, 8.93
rigidity of seismic nuclear
pumps, 9.308
ring-casing pumps, 2.110
ring-section pumps, 2.110
rings, intermeshing, 2.119
rising head characteristic, 2.334
rod load, power pumps, 3.17
rod weights, oil well pumps, 9.383
roller bearings, slurry pumps, 9.357
rolling element bearings, 2.149, 6.18
rolling-media filters, gas
turbines, 6.94
rotary cargo pumps, 9.248
rotary chemical pumps, 9.120
rotary pumps, 3.123
abrasives, 3.137
affinity laws, 3.132
capacity, 3.139–3.140
casing housing, 3.124
cavitation, 3.135
centrifugal pump
comparisons, 3.130
corrosiveness of fluids, 3.136
CTIO volume (closed-to-inlet-
and-outlet), 3.123
displacement, 3.138, 3.141–3.143
dissolved gases, 3.134
lubricating oil transfer, 9.260
refrigerant circulation, 9.260
refueling cryogenic pumps, 9.401
regulation of flow, condensate
pumps, 9.100
regulation of flow rate, centrifugal
pumps, 2.365
regulations, fire protection
systems, 9.60
magnetic bearings, 2.281
sewage systems, 9.38
relief chambers, 2.119
leakage joints, 2.119
pressure-reducing devices, 2.145
relief valves, 12.11
power pumps, 3.35
propulsion marine pumps, 9.220
remote monitoring, mining
pumps, 9.211
renewable shaft sleeves, 2.136
repairing equipment, 12.17
requisitions, see RFQs, 11.9
residual heat removal pumps,
PWR plants, 9.280
resistance coefficients, pipe
bends, 8.65
resistance to cavitation, 5.13
resistance to wear, slurry
pumps, 9.364
response spectra, seismic nuclear
pumps, 9.304
response speeds
hydrodynamic drives, 6.138
hydrokinetic drives, 6.136
hydroviscous drives, 6.138
return passages, centrifugal
pumps, 2.45
reverse-speed-torque, pumping
systems, 8.20
reversed impellers, centrifugal
pumps, 2.382
Reynolds equation, 2.249, 2.251
RFQs (requests for quotation), 11.9
bidders lists, 11.20–11.22
commercial terms and
conditions, 11.9