sequent recirculation patterns in the impeller were discussed and illustrated in Figure 6.
Fischer and Thoma
visually observed and recorded the flow patterns, finding that as flow
rate is reduced, wakes on the suction side of all blades thicken until they occupy half the
passage width at half the BEP flow rate. At lesser flow rates, the wakes continue to
thicken but become irregular, stalling in one passage and not the others
the stall pat-
tern moving into and out of adjacent passages and so rotating relative to the impeller. As
shut-off is approached, this rotating pattern is accompanied by reversed flow emerging
from the inlet of the stalled passage. Fraser, working with typical impeller geometries, for-
mulated rules for computing the flow Q
at which this reversal occurs as Q is reduced at
constant speed
. His expressions, found further on, include the effect of impeller eye size
on Q
. As one might expect, a pump with an eye diameter approaching that of the
impeller OD will have Q
approaching Q
. At Q Q
, the impeller flow patterns are
highly unsteady
as is usually the case with massively separated flows
creating non-
synchronous, low-frequency or random pressure pulsations, the resulting shear layers
between the reverse-flowing and in-flowing fluid having vortices with locally low pres-
sures so cavitation can also exist. Fraser also quantified the flow rate Q
below which
impeller discharge recirculation exists. Forces from such motion can cause fatigue failure
of the impeller blades, diffuser vanes or volute tongue, cavitation erosion also playing a
part as in Figure 31. In Section 2.3.2, Fraser describes the identification and consequences
of recirculation in detail, the more general designation Q
referring to either Q
or Q
depending on whether Q is between or below both.
The ability for pumps to operate with any form of separation; stall; or, worse, flow
reversal (recirculation) depends on the energy level. This can be approximately quantified,
as outlined under the subject of Minimum Flow Limits further on, which include consid-
eration of accompanying cavitation activity.
Axial Thrust Response to Recirculation Discharge recirculation usually involves
backflow from the diffuser, itself containing oscillating flow patterns and rotating stall.
Fluid emerging from the diffuser will be spinning opposite to the direction of rotation, such
fluid having a major effect on the sidewall gap flows as it joins the leakage flows described
under Predicting Axial Thrust. As this fluid invades the sidewall gaps, it can slow or vir-
tually cancel the usual positive swirling of the gap fluid. Iino, Sato, and Miyashiro exper-
imentally observed and recorded this behavior, which was exaggerated by shifting the
impeller axially and by changing the ring clearances
An added, not unexpected effect is that as Q is reduced below Q
, the invading flow
from the diffuser can favor the front or back side of the impeller and then switch sides
upon further reduction of Q. This effect is clearly seen in the experimental thrust-versus-
Q plots of Figure 34, the impellers having been shifted as just described. Depicted there is
the resulting net load on the axial thrust bearing of an eight-stage, 3600-rpm diffuser
pump that had a cylindrical balancing drum (not a self-compensating balancing disk). The
drum was sized so as not to completely eliminate the thrust
in order to avoid thrust
reversals.The solid lines are the predicted net thrust according to the methods outlined in
Table 4 for three axial positions of the impeller. The large excursions in net thrust were
eliminated by restricting the entry of the invading diffuser backflow into the sidewall gaps
through a tightening of the gap between the shrouds of impeller and diffuser (Gap “A”)
in Figure 35. Gap “A” is not effective unless the “overlap” of the two mating shrouds is from
four to six times the gap dimension
. Moreover, if Gap “A” is minimized, this can exagger-
ate the blade-vane interactions, making it necessary to open up Gap “B” more than would
be necessary were Gap “A” not minimized
A further possibility that has been observed in a single-stage double-suction pump is
the unsteadiness of impeller discharge recirculation and, most likely, of the diffuser or
volute backflow. The side-to-side switching just mentioned appears in Figure 36 to be hap-
pening as a function of time as well as of flow rate Q, as evidenced by the axial motion,
which is accompanied by discharge pressure pulsations. The “fix” mentioned in the figure
was, again, mainly minimizing Gap “A.”
Closing Gap “A” and opening Gap “B” are procedures that have been widely and suc-
cessfully applied in high-energy pumps, which usually work well at BEP but run into dif-
ficulties at low flow
. The procedures have proven to cure the thrust and pressure