and similar components. To prevent the stage pieces from rotating, a locked tongue-and-
groove joint is provided in the lower half of the casing. Clamping the upper casing half to
the lower half securely holds the stage piece and prevents rotation.
The problem of seating a solid stage piece against an axially split casing is one that has
given designers much trouble. First, there is a three-way joint and, second, this seating
must make the joint tight and leakproof under a pressure differential without resorting to
bolting the stage piece directly to the casing.
To overcome this problem, it is wise to make a pump that has a small-diameter casing
so that when the casing bolting is pulled tight, there is a seal fitting of the two casing
halves adjacent to the stage piece.The small diameter likewise helps to eliminate the pos-
sibility of a stage piece cocking and thereby leaving a clearance on the upper-half casing
when it is pulled down. No matter how rigidly the stage piece is located in the lower-half
casing, there must be a sliding fit between the seat face of the stage piece and that in the
upper-half casing so that the upper-half casing can be pulled down. Each stage piece, fur-
thermore, must be arranged so that the pressure differential developed by the pump will
tend to seat the piece tightly against the casing rather than open up the joint.
We have said that axially split casing pumps are typically used for working pressures
of up to 2,000 lb/in
(138 bar). High-pressure piping systems, of which these pumps form
a part, are inevitably made of steel because this material has the valuable property of
yielding without breaking. Considerable piping strains are unavoidable, and these strains,
or at least a part thereof, are transmitted to the pump casing. The latter consists essen-
tially of a barrel that is split axially, flanged at the split, and fitted with two necks that
serve as inlet and discharge openings. When piping stresses exist, these necks, being the
weakest part of the casing, are in danger of breaking off if they cannot yield. Steel is there-
fore the safest material for pump casings whenever the working pressures in the pump are
in excess of 1,000 lb/in
(70 bar).
This brings up an important feature in the design of the suction and discharge flanges.
Although raised-face flanges are perfectly satisfactory for steel-casing pumps, their use is
extremely dangerous with cast-iron pumps. This danger arises from the lack of elasticity
in cast iron, which leads to flange breakage when the bolts are being tightened, the ful-
crum of the bending moment being located inward from the bolt circle. As a result, it is
essential to avoid raised-face flanges with cast-iron casings as well as the use of a raised-
face flange pipe directly against a flat-face cast-iron pump flange. Suction flanges should
obviously be suitable for whatever hydrostatic test pressure is applied to the pump casing.
The location of the pump casing feet is not critical in smaller pumps operating at dis-
charge pressures below 275 lb/in
(19 bar) and at moderate temperatures of up to 300°F
(150°C). Since the unit is relatively small, very little distortion is likely to occur. However,
for larger units operating at higher pressures and temperatures, it is important that the
casing be supported at the horizontal centerline or immediately below the bearings (refer
to Figures 19 and 20).
Radially Split Double-Casing Pumps The oldest form of radially split casing multi-
stage pump is commonly called the ring-section, ring-casing, or the doughnut type. When
more than one stage was found necessary to generate higher pressures, two or more sin-
gle-stage units of the prevalent radially split casing type were assembled and bolted
In later designs, the individual stage sections and separate suction and discharge
heads were held together with large throughbolts. These pumps, still an assembly of
bolted-up sections, can present serious dismantling and reassembly problems because suc-
tion and discharge connections have to be broken each time the pump is serviced. The
double-casing pump retains the advantages of the radially split casing design and mini-
mizes the dismantling problem.
The basic principle consists of enclosing the working parts of a multistage centrifugal
pump in an inner casing and building a second casing around this inner casing.The space
between the two casings is maintained at the discharge pressure of the last pump stage.
The construction of the inner casing follows one of two basic principles: (1) axial splitting
(see Figure 21) or (2) radial splitting (see Figure 22).