importance is the large horizontal temperature gradient at the surface in midlatitudes.
The natural decomposition of the general circulation into those isentropic surfaces
that are everywhere above the tropopause (the ‘‘overworld’’), those that intersect the
tropopause (‘‘middleworld’’), and those that intersect the surface (‘‘underworld’’)
provides an alternative framework in which to view global-scale dynamical
processes in the extratropical atmosphere. The qualitative link between IPV and
the mass field in (38) makes IPV an ideal tool with which to study planetary-scale
dynamical motions; examples of such motions include the str ucture of the mean
meridional mass transport in the troposphere, the interaction between thermal and
mechanical sources of IPV at Earth’s surface and their role in the overall general
circulation, and the exchange of air between the stratosphere and troposphere.
Coupled with the invertibility principle, this link makes IPV a powerful diagnostic
tool for studying the extratropical atmospheric circulation.
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