In the final example of this section, we will illustrate, with an idealized model,
how vorticity transport gives rise to flow accelerations on a planetary scale (I. Held,
personal communication). A thin layer of fluid of constant density and depth
surrounds a solid, featureless, ‘‘billiard ball’’ planet of radius r. By ‘‘thin,’’ we
mean that the depth of the fluid is much less than r. Both planet and fluid layer
are rotating, with period T, from west to east. As we have seen, the vorticity of the
solid-body rotation is the planetary vorticity, and the component of this vorticity
perpendicular to the surface is 4p sin y=T. We will learn, shortly, that this normal
component, in the absence of applied forcing or friction, acts like a label on fluid
parcels and stays with them as they move around. In other words, the component of
the absolute vorticity normal to the surface of the fluid is a tracer.
Suppose, now, that a wave maker near the equator generates a wave disturbance,
and that this wave disturbance propagates away from the region of the wave maker.
Away from the wave maker, the parcels will be displaced by the propagating distur-
bance. Given that the component of the absolute vorticity normal to the surface is a
tracer, fluid elements so displaced will carry their initial value of this quantity with
them. For example, a fluid element at 45N latitude will preserve its value of vorti-
city, 4p sinðp=4Þ=T ¼ 1:0 10
per second as it moves north and south. Now,
4p sin y= T is an increasing function of latitude: there is a gradient in this quantity,
from south to north. Therefore, particles from low-vorticity regions to the south will
move to regions of high vorticity to the north, and vice versa. There will be, there-
fore, a net southward transport of vorticity, and a reduction in the total vorticity
poleward of that latitude. Notice that this transport is down-gradient. Thus, the
circulation around that latitude, for a west-to-east circuit, will be reduced and the
fluid at that latitude will begin to stream westward as a result of the disturbance. The
transport of vorticity by the propagating disturbance gives rise to a stress that
induces acceleration on the flow. This acceleration is in the direction perpendicular
to the vorticity transport.
We can estimate the size of the disturbance-induced acceleration. Suppose, after a
few days, that particles are displaced, on average, by 10 degrees latitude, which
corresponds to a distance of about 1000 km. Since 4p sin y=T has values between
1.4 10
and 1.4 10
per second for T ¼24 h, a reasonable estimate for the
difference between a displaced particle’s vorticity and the background vorticity is
per second for a 10 degrees latitude displacem ent. The average estimated
southward transport of the vorticity is then the displacement times the perturbation
vorticity: 1000 km 10
per second ¼10 m=s. This is an estimate of the westward
flow velocity induced by the displacement over a few days an d corresponds to
reasonable values of the observed e ddy-induced stresses on the large-scale flow.
The previous example describes the effect on the horizontal circulation of redistri-
buting the vorticity of solid-body rotation. Although the example seems highly
idealized, the wave-induced stress mechanism it illustrates is fundamental to
Earth’s large-scale atmospher ic circulation. The physical model of a thin, fixed-