the velocity and temperature per turbations to be partly in phase at each boundary,
thus leading to a poleward heat flux. The axes of the warmest and coldest air,
however, tilt eastward with height. East of the trough, where the perturbation meri-
dional velocity is poleward, Figure 1c shows that the ageostrophic vertical motion is
upward. Thu s, parcel motion is poleward and upward in the region where tempera-
ture perturba tions are positive, and vice versa in regions where the temperature
perturbation s are negative. Through condensation in ascending, adiabatically cooling
trajectories, this vertical velocity pattern provides a link to the hydrological cycle in
the extratropical troposphere and, in particular, provides the ‘‘comma cloud’’ signa-
ture of surface troughs.
The scaling of the growth rate with N in (27) suggests that baroclinic instability
would produce a statically stable extratropical atmosphere on Earth even in the
absence of moisture. Loc al radiative convective equilibrium would drive N to zero
but would have a strong equator–pole temperature gradient. Such a flow would be
violently unstable to baroclinic instability. It is presumed that baroclinic instability
increases N so as to adjust toward a more stable state. Eddies could do this by taking
cold air manufactured in polar regions and sliding it under warmer air, and vice versa
for warm air produced near the tropics. Either by vertical heat fluxes that increase N
or by horizontal heat fluxes that reduce the equator–pole temperature gradient (and
hence the vertical shear) , baroclinic instability acts to adjust the extratropical flow
toward a state that is neutrally stable to baroclinic instabil ity.
In addition to their role in the tropospheric general circulation, synoptic-scale
eddies also drive weather-related events at smaller scales. It has long been under-
stood that extratropical cyclones have cold frontal regions in which the temperature
typically changes rapidly, often accompanied by shifts in the wind and by precipita-
tion. In general, these fronts are considered to form in a growing nonlinear baroclinic
wave, though this secondary role in no way diminishes their importance in practical
meteorology. Rather, the theoretical emphasis shifts toward the mechanism for
generating fronts, namely frontogenesis.
The basis of frontogenesis lies in the advection of surface temperature (7). The
kinematics of frontogenesis can be understood by considering a certain class of
horizontal velocity fields called deformation fields. Such deformation fields, which
are local features of large-scale horizontal wave motions, contain confluent regions
that tend to concentrate a large-scale preexisting temperature gradient, squeezing
isotherms together. A prototypical deformation field is given by u ¼gx, v ¼gy,
where g is a constant with dimension (time)
. Suppose the potential temperature
field is initially oriented so the isotherms are parallel to the y axis. Then at the
ground, where w vanishes, the time evolution of the potential temperature must
y ¼u@
y ¼ gx@
y ð28Þ
since y is independent of y. The solution to (28) is easily verified to be