Since weather statistics depend on the regime of the atmosphere, one avenue for
longer-term prediction is to focus on regime dynamics. Rather than predict the
specific evolution of the system trajectory, the goal is to predict the sequence of
regimes and their duration. Unfortunately, attempts at predicting the timing and
outcome of regime transitions have not been particularly successful.
Recently, Palmer (1999) has analyzed the predictability of climate under the
assumption that the climate attractor is composed of a number of dist inct quasi-
stationary regimes. Regimes are regions of the attractor that are relatively stable. For
example, the regimes in the Lorenz attractor are localized around unstable fixed
points, which, despite being unstable, have stable subspaces that attract trajectories.
In the context of stochastic systems, the regimes may be modeled as truly stable
attractors and the transitions are then solely due to the random noise. The areas of
phase space between the regimes, the ‘‘saddles,’’ are more unstable, and the system
passes through these areas relatively quickly. An important feature of such saddles is
that they show sensitive dependence: The relationship between the specific location
where the system crosses the saddle and the regime it next visits can have fractal
structure. Palmer noted that smal l-amplitude forcing will affect this fine-scale struc-
ture of the saddle much more than the relatively stable regime structure. The stability
of the behavior of the attractor to external forcing is called structural stability. Thus,
small-amplitude forcing will not change the str ucture of the regimes, i.e., they are
structurally relatively stable, but will affect the relative probability of the system
visiting a regime, which is structurally unstable. In the context of anthropogenic CO
increase, the resulting climate change will not show new climate regimes but, rather,
a shift in the occurrence of existing regimes. Thus, the fact that recent climate
changes are similar to naturally occurring variations does not disprove the possibility
that the changes have an anthropogenic cause.
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