ing the atmosphere against convection, but a residual boundary layer extends up to
about 100 m stirred by the flow of air over the underlying rough surface. This diurnal
variation of fluxes over the ocean is much weaker and the boundary layer is of
intermedi ate height. The temperature of the atmosphere, when stirred by dry
mixing, decreases at a rate of 9.8 K=km. Above the boundary layer, temperatures
decrease less rapidly with height, so that the atmosphere is stable to dry convection.
A layer of clouds commonly forms at the top of the daytime and oceanic boundary
layers and contributes to the convection creating the boundar y layer through its
radiative cooling (convection results from either heating at the bottom of a fluid
or cooling at its top). Also, at times the clouds forming near the top of the boundary
layer can be unstable to moist convection, and so convect upward through a deep
column such as in a thunderstorm.
The storage, transport, and phase changes of water at the surface and in the atmo-
sphere are referred to as the hydrological cycle. As already alluded to, the hydro-
logical cycle is closely linked to and driven by various energy exchange processes at
the surface and in the atmosphere. On the scale of continents, water is moved from
oceans to land by atmospheric winds, to be carried back to the oceans by streams
and rivers as elements of the land hydrological cycle. Most of the water in the
atmosphere is in its vapor phase, but water that is near saturation vapor pressure
(relative humidity of 100%) converts to droplets or ice crystals depending on
temperature and details of cloud physics. These droplets and crystals fall out
of the atmosphere as precipitation. The water lost is replenished by evapora-
tion of water at the surface and by vertical and horizontal transport within the
atmosphere. Consequently, much of the troposphere has humidities not much
below saturation. Saturation vapor pressure increases rapidly with temperature
(about 10% per kelvin of change). Hence, as illustrated in Figure 6, the climatolo-
gical concentrations of water vapor vary from several percent or more when going
from near-surface air to a few parts per million near the tropical tropopause. Water
vapor concentrations in the stratosphere are close to that of the tropical tropopause,
probably because much of the air in the lower stratosphere has been pumped through
the tropical tropopause by moist convection.
The dominant radiative processes in the stratosphere are the heating by absorption of
solar ultra violet (UV) radiation and cooling by thermal infrared emi ssion from
carbon dioxide and, to a lesser extent, ozone molecules. The stratospheric absorption
of UV largely determines how much harmful UV reaches the surface. Ozone in the
upper troposphere and lower stratosphere additionally adds heat by absorption of
thermal emission from the warmer surface and lower layers. The stratosphere,